CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
The University of Washington, Seattle, Spring 2002
Regular Meetings: MEB 246, MWF 12:30-1:20.
Instructor: Steve
Tanimoto (Office Hours: MW 2:30-3:20 in Sieg 314).
Teaching Assistants: Pat
Tressel (Office Hours: M 1:30-2:20 in Sieg 226a, Sat 2:30-3:30 in
Communications B022) and Zachary
Crisman (Office Hours: Tu 11:30-12:20 in Sieg 226a and Th 3:30-4:20 in
Communications B022).
Recent announcements:
June 8 |
Project reports are due Monday June 10 by 4:30pm. Details were posted to
the mailing list.
The final is this coming Thursday at 8:30am (yaaaawn!) -- bring a
multiple-choice answer sheet ("Scantron" form).
HUB bookstore has 'em. See the final
Pat's Monday office hours will be shifted slightly earlier -- noon to 1pm
instead of 1:30-2:30pm -- and will be in the Math Sciences lab, not Sieg.
The review session for the final is 4:30-5:30pm in Johnson 119.