
Welcome to the web site for CSE 414, Spring 2015. Please report any problems to cse414-staff[at]cs.

6/16: Course grades are in. You can pick up a copy of your final exam at the front desk of the CSE main office during regular business hours starting Thursday, June 18. Congratulations on a great quarter and best wishes for the future.


Hal Perkins, perkins[at]cs, CSE 548, schedule an appointment or drop in.

Teaching Assistants:

All staff (preferred): cse414-staff[at]cs

Siena Dumas Ang, sienaang[at]cs
Madhav Murthy, mmurthy2[at]cs
Joshua Nazarian, jknaz[at]cs
Yiwei Pi, yiweip[at]cs
Chad Price, csprice[at]cs
Helen Ung, helenung[at]cs
Ying-Ying (Kelly) Wang, wying[at]cs
Shiying (Leesa) Xu, sx8[at]cs

See the course calendar for office hours and locations.


MWF 1:30-2:20 pm, JHN 102


Section AA: Th 1:30-2:20 pm, MGH 251
Section AB: Th 2:30-3:20 pm, MGH 287
Section AC: Th 12:30-1:20 pm, MGH 251


Database Systems: The Complete Book, Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey Ullman, Jennifer Widom


Please use the discussion board. If you encounter a problem or have a question the answers are likely to be helpful to others. Other members of the class may be able to answer the question faster than the course staff! Please join in.

If you need to contact the course staff, please send email to cse414-staff[at]cs if you can, rather than sending email to the instructor or individual TAs. That increases your chance of getting a quick answer, and helps everyone on the staff keep track of points of confusion.

Mailing list: If you are registered for this class, your email address will automatically be added to the class mailing list (refreshed daily). You can setup a forward address at or change your subscription address here.