. You may scan and submit hand-drawn diagrams if you wish as long as the resulting
files are not too large (a few MB at most, please). Be sure to label your work so we can find your solutoins to each problem.SELECT z.word, count(*) FROM Doc x, Occurs y, Word z WHERE x.did = y.did and y.wid = z.wid GROUP BY z.wid, z.word
SELECT x.did, x.docTitle FROM Doc x WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Occurs o, Word w, Keyword k WHERE x.did = o.did AND o.wid = w.wid AND w.word != k.word );
Employee(eid, name, office)
Manager(eid, mid)
Each employee has a unique key, eid. An employee may have several managers, who are, in turn, employee: both attributes eid and mid in Manager(eid, mid) are foreign keys to Employee.
For each of the queries below, write it as a SQL query and show an equivalent relational algebra plan.