CSE 413 -- Assignment 1 -- Solutions

  1. Draw a boxes and arrows diagram to show the result of executing the following definitions.
  2. (define y '(2 3))
    (define z (cons 3 y))
    (define w (cons z y))
    (define x (cons w '(2 3)))
  3. Given the following definitions :
  4. (define x '(1 2 3))
    (define y (append x x))
    (define z (cons x x))
    (define foo '(7 2 3))
    show the value of each of the following expressions.  If something is wrong, say so.  (Obviously you could trivialize the problem by typing these expressions into a Scheme interpreter and transcribing the results.  Feel free to use a computer to check your answers, but be sure you can answer the questions without using a machine.)
      (car x) =>   1
      (cdar x) => (cdr (car x)) => invalid since cdr cannot be applied on 1.
      (cdar z) => (cdr (car z)) => (cdr x) => '(2 3)
      (cons x foo) => '((1 2 3) 7 2 3)
      (equal? (cdr x) (cdr foo)) => #t
      (equal? (cdr y) x) => #f ((cdr y) is '(2 3 1 2 3))
      (equal? (cdr z) (car z)) => #t ( since (car z) = x = (cdr z) )
      (eqv? (cdr z) (car z)) => #t ( they both refer the SAME x)
      (eqv? (cdr x) (cdr foo)) => #f ( not pointer equal )
      (car '(cadar x)) => cadar
  5. Define a function list-max that that returns the largest of the elements in its list argument.  For example:
  6. ; use the let so that I dont have to call (list-max (cdr x)) twice
     (define (list-max lst) (if (null? (cdr lst)) (car lst)
                               (let ((y (list-max (cdr lst))))
                                  (if (> y (car lst)) y (car lst)))))
  7. Write a function divisors which, given an integer, returns a list of all its proper divisors ( the proper divisors of a number are all divisors except the number itself; 1 is included). You may find the Scheme function modulo to be useful.    There should be no duplicate divisors.  Examples:
  8. (define (divisors n)
    ; define a helper which given a first and n, returns all divisors of n > first.
        (let (((divisor-help first n)
                  (if (= first n) () ; base case
                    (if (= (modulo n first) 0) (cons first (divisor-help (+ first 1) n))
                       (divisor-help (+ first 1) n)))))
        (divisor-help 1 n)))
  9. Now write a function is-perfect? that yields true if its argument is a perfect number, and yields false otherwise. A number is perfect if it is the sum of its proper divisors. The smallest perfect number is 6 (= 1+2+3). Another is 28 (= 1 + 2+ 4+ 7+ 14). (Hint: you may find the answers to the previous two questions to be useful in your solution).
  10. ; we can use divisors and sum-list(that we saw in class) to implement is-perfect?
    (define (is-perfect? n) (= n (sum-list (divisors n))))
  11. Define a function fringe that takes as an argument a tree (an arbitrary list) and returns a list containing the leaves of the tree in left-to-right order.  For example:
  12. (define (fringe lst)
        (if (null? lst) lst ; base case
           (if (null? (car lst)) (fringe (cdr lst)) ; removes () nested inside lists
              ; recursvely go inside the car if car is a list in itself ..
              (if (pair? (car lst)) (append (fringe (car lst)) (fringe (cdr lst)))
                           (cons (car lst) (fringe (cdr lst)))))))
  13. Define a function rev that reverses the top-level elements of the list that is its argument  (i.e., give your own implementation of the standard Scheme function reverse).   For example:
  14. (define ( rev lst)
         (if (null? lst) lst ; base case
            (append (rev (cdr lst)) (list (car lst)))))
  15. Define a function deep-rev that reverses the elements of the list that is its argument.  If elements of the list are themselves lists, they should be reversed recursively.   Example:
  16. ; basically the same idea as fringe. If car is a list, recursively reverse the car
    ; otherwise just add (car lst) to the end of deep-rev of the cdr
    (define (deep-rev lst)
        (if (null? lst) lst ; base case
           (if (pair? (car lst)) (append (deep-rev (cdr lst)) (list (deep-rev (car lst))))
               (append (deep-rev (cdr lst)) (list (car lst))))))