CSE 413
Quiz #1
Circle one: Church's thesis...
- is that if you go to church often enough, you will go to heaven.
- says that space aliens will soon land on the Quad and astonish us with their computing technology.
- has been proved beyond the shadow of a doubt.
- suggests that all general-purpose computer languages are in some sense equivalent in computing power to one another, to the lamba-calculus, and to a Turing machine.
In computer science, BNF stands for
- Backus-Naur Form
- A university in Utah.
- Bigfoot needs friends
- Basic Notation-free Fortran
Which one (or more) of the following is not a major programming language paradigm?
- Imperative
- Indicative
- Declarative (logical)
- Applicative (functional)
- Subjunctive
Which one of the following is not characteristic of the pure functional style?
- No variables
- No assignment statements
- Lots of recursion
- Functions that take no parameters and return no values