CSE 413

Spring 1997


What we actually did, day by day

Week #





March 31: Get acquainted: introduce one another. Make list of languages known to the group. Assignment: ex. 1-2 p. 25: write first in C, then rewrite in functional style.

April 2: Passed out "Key Concepts" for Ch. 1 & 4. Intro. concepts (Ch. 1). HW: find a derivation for "b*b-(a*c)" in grammar of Fig. 4-1 (revised via e-mail. 1: derive a different formula; modify 4-1 to allow b*b-(a*c).)

April 4: Quiz #1 (graded by students in class). Discussed Ex 1-2 on board. Ch. 4: syntax basics. Assigned ex 2-5 and 2-6.


April 7: On board: problems assigned Wed. and Fri. More about syntax. Intro. to LISP (Ch. 10). HW: go to the MSCC. "Brief History of Programming Languages" handout" (or April 9?)

April 9: Brainstorming on names, addresses, currency amounts. More about LISP: data structures; car/cdr. Passed out "LISP Practice". HW: 1st two pages of LISP Practice.

April 11: Quiz #2 (graded by KitMan in class). More LISP.


April 14:On board: two functions. Homework: continue LISP practice; write 'equal' using 'eq'/'eql'

April 16: On board: allnumberp, atom1, split3, deln, palp, equal. Looked briefly at individual student's name/address/money grammars. Assigned reading: skip 10.4; skim 105; skip 10.6; read 10.7; read 10.8. Continue into p. 5-6-7 in the LISP Practice.

April 18: Quiz #3. Four LISP functions on the board (incl. sum_even, deln). Brief discussion of course grading breakdown, upcoming topics. HW: look at Ch. 10 problems #41-44. Reading: start on Ch. 5. Announced LISP "project" (p.7) as due April 25.


April 21: Quiz #3 handed back; all problems gone over. Discussion of 10.5 (delayed evaluation), 10.7 (lamdba calculus).

April 23: "binp" again. More on lamba calculus: "twice" examples, application and reduction. 10.8: storage management and garbage collection concepts. Midterm: discussed moving date to Monday, May 5 (no objection expressed).

April 25: Collected LISP projects; announced 10% penalty if turned in Moday. Confirmed Midterm to be Monday May 5. Passed out "Chapter 5 terminology checklist" and started through Ch. 5 topics.


April 28: HW can still be handed in late. More concepts from Ch. 5 -- roughly through 5.5.

April 30: Ch. 10 prob. 43 on board. Quiz #4, graded in class. Look ahead to Chs. 6 and 11.

May 2: Quiz #4 handed back. Final topics from Ch. 5. Preliminary intro. to logic programming.


May 5: Midterm exam

May 7: Intro to Prolog (Ch. 11.4). Returned LISP project, Midterm exam.

May 9: Some Prolog on board; Chapter 6.


May 12: Prolog problems on board. Quiz #5 given as a take-home.

May 14: Collect quiz. Chapter 6 discussion.

May 16: Collect drafts of research papers. Some Prolog discussed. More on Ch. 6.


May 19: Quiz #5 handed back. Paper drafts given back. Complete Ch. 6, start Ch. 7.

May 21: Ch. 7. Quiz #6.

May 23: Collect final version of research papers. Ch. 7 interspersed with Quiz #7.


May 26: No classes (Memorial Day)

May 28: Chapter 8: ADTs. Passed out "Ch 8 & 9 Reading" and "O.O. Lexicon" handouts.

May 30: Object-oriented paradigm (Ch. 9). Prolog project due.


June 2: Object-oriented paradigm: inheritance. Quiz #8. Passed out Cummingham "Internet Resources" article.

June 4:

June 6 (Last day of classes):


Tuesday, June 10: Final Exam (2:30-4:30)



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