Ruby gives us a solution that is simple and efficient. I showed this code for a binary search tree that is very similar to the Java code we would write:
class Tree def initialize() @overallRoot = nil end def insert(v) @overallRoot = insert_helper(v, @overallRoot) end def print() print_helper(@overallRoot) end private # beginning of private definitions class Node def initialize(data = nil, left = nil, right = nil) @data = data @left = left @right = right end attr_reader :data, :left, :right attr_writer :data, :left, :right end def insert_helper(v, root) if root == nil root = elsif v < then root.left = insert_helper(v, root.left) else root.right = insert_helper(v, root.right) end return root end def print_helper(root) if root != nil then print_helper root.left puts print_helper root.right end end endWe can define an iterator by implementing the "each" method that looks a lot like the current print and print_helper methods. The big difference is that instead of calling puts to print values, they will call yield to generate values:
class Tree ... def each inorder_helper(@overallRoot) {|n| yield n} end private def inorder_helper(root) if root then inorder_helper(root.left) {|n| yield n} yield inorder_helper(root.right) {|n| yield n} end end ... endGiven this method, we can call it with a block. In fact, print can now be redefined as a foreach loop:
def print() for n in self puts n end endWe loaded this new version into irb and tested it out. First we create a tree and inserted 25 random values:
>> t = => #<Tree:0xb7eb0a5c @overallRoot=nil> >> 25.times{t.insert(rand(100))} => 25We found that print still worked just fine:
>> t.print 2 2 15 16 19 23 23 32 38 42 43 47 51 61 64 68 70 73 77 79 80 83 88 90 96 => nilBut now we could specify variants of print by using the inorder iterator, like printing each number doubled:
>> t.each {|n| puts 2 * n} 4 4 30 32 38 46 46 64 76 84 86 94 102 122 128 136 140 146 154 158 160 166 176 180 192 => nilWe were also able to use the iterator to find the sum of the numbers:
>> sum = 0 => 0 >> t.each {|n| sum += n} => nil >> sum => 1282I pointed out that not only was this iterator fairly easy to define, it is also highly efficient. We would describe it as lazy in the sense that it doesn't compute a value until it needs it. For example, we reset the sum to be 0 and wrote this variant that breaks out of the computation as soon as the sum becomes greater than 100:
t.each do |n| puts n sum += n break if sum > 100 endWhen we ran it, it produced this output:
2 2 15 16 19 23 23 32We found that it had set sum to 132 and then stopped. As we noted earlier, one approach is to precompute the entire traversal before it begins. For a computation like the one above that breaks out early, that would be very expensive.
Then I finished our discussion of OO in Ruby. I pointed out an interesting behavior. I redefined the each method in the Range class to return twice the normal value:
class Range2 < Range def each super {|n| yield 2 * n} end endThis produced the expected behavior that a foreach loop now produces doubled values when you use a Range2 object:
>> x =, 10) => 1..10 >> y = 1..10 => 1..10 >> for n in x do puts n end 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 => 1..10 >> for n in y do puts n end 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 => 1..10But we also noticed that now map behaves differently:
>> {|n| n} => [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20] >> {|n| n} => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]as does the any? member function:
>> x.any? {|n| n % 2 == 1} => false >> y.any? {|n| n % 2 == 1} => trueWhat's going on? Obviously the map and any? functions are calling each. This is an important aspect of OO design that we didn't have time to discuss in CSE123 and CSE143. We talked about how to design your code for a client who will call your methods. We didn't talk about how to design your code for a client who will extend your class through inheritance.
I then talked about how this is implemented. How would the Range object's map function "know" to call the new version of "each"? We've spent so much time getting students to understand this notion in Java, that perhaps it seems obvious. This ability to override a method is what we refer to as polymorphism, dynamic dispatch, late binding, runtime binding, etc.
But what is the mechanism? In Java and Ruby the model is that each method has an additional unstated parameter. In Java we refer to it as "this". In Ruby we refer to it as "self". By knowing which object is calling a method, we can at runtime figure out which method to call. This extra parameter is often referred to as the "implicit parameter."
I then pointed out an odd detail of Ruby. Because parentheses are optional, it is possible to interpret a simple identifier as either a function call or a local variable. For example, given this code:
def f 18 end def g puts f + 3 endThe reference to f in g is interpreted as a call on the function f. So in the interpreter we get:
>> g 21 => nilBut consider this variation of g:
def g puts f + 3 f = 7 puts f + 3 endIn this case, the first occurrence of f in g is interpreted as a function call, but the second occurrence is interpreted as a local variable:
>> g 21 10 => nilThe Ruby rule is that a local variable shadows a function.
Then I briefly discussed Ruby blocks as closures. Blocks in Ruby provide the two key elements of a closure:
>> lambda {|n| 2 * n} => #<Proc:0xb76aad08@(irb):1>This expression is constructing an object of type Proc, as we can see below:
>> x = lambda {|n| 2 * n} => #<Proc:0xb76a441c@(irb):2> >> x.class => ProcOnce constructed, you can invoke the block using the "call" member function:
>> 13 => 26 >> 25 => 50We then discussed what are known as mixins. This is one of the most interesting features of Ruby.
Before looking at Ruby mixins, I spent a few minutes discussing Java's inheritance model. I asked people what you get when class B extends class A in Java. The answer is that you get two different things:
C++ is an interesting contrast. C++ supports multiple inheritance. With multiple inheritance, you can get multiple code reuse relationships. But it turns out that multiple inheritance is rather messy. For example, Arthur Riel in his book Object-Oriented Design Heuristics includes as item 54:
54. If you have an example of multiple inheritance in your design, assume you have made a mistake and then prove otherwise.C++ also has a notion of private inheritance where you have code reuse but no subtype relationship.
Ruby offers something in between. It has single inheritance, just as Java does. Subtyping doesn't matter in Ruby because it uses duck typing (Ruby doesn't care what kind of duck you are as long as you can quack in an appropriate manner when asked to do so). So the only issue in Ruby is code resuse. We've seen that inheritance of classes is similar in Ruby to what we saw in Java. Mixins offer an alternative. You can define a mixin by define a module and including a set of methods. For example, I wrote the following mixin that defines two methods that allow sequences to be stuttered:
module Stutterable def stutter result = [] for n in self result.push n result.push n end result end def stutter_each for n in self yield n yield n end end endYou use the word "module" instead of "class". Once you have defined this module, you can include it in classes by saying:
include StutterableIt is almost as if the actual code from the module is included. For example, we went into the interpreter and added this code to the Array class:
>> class Array >> include Stutterable >> end => Array >> x = [1, 2, 3] => [1, 2, 3] >> x.stutter => [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3] >> x.stutter_each {|n| puts n} 1 1 2 2 3 3 => [1, 2, 3]and we added it to the Range class:
>> class Range >> include Stutterable >> end => Range >> x = (1..5) => 1..5 >> x.stutter => [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5] >> x.stutter_each {|n| puts n} 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 => 1..5I mentioned that the two most common mixins are Comparable and Enumerable. For example, we modified the Point class to implement a method called <=>, which is the Ruby equivalent of the java compareTo method. We had it find which point is closer to the origin. To make this more efficient, we introduced a class variable called @@origin. The double at-sign indicates that it's a class variable versus an instance variable (i.e., one shared value for the entire class, like a static field in Java):
class Point include Comparable def initialize (x = 0, y = 0) @x = x @y = y end attr_reader :x, :y attr_writer :x, :y def to_s "(#{@x}, #{@y})" end def distance(other) return Math.sqrt((x - other.x) ** 2 + (y - other.y) ** 2) end @@origin = def <=> other return distance(@@origin) - other.distance(@@origin) end endWhat the mixin gets us is five extra methods built on top of the <=> method. For example, now we can say:
>> p1 =, 5) => #<Point:0xb8052298 @y=5, @x=3> >> p2 =, 3.1) => #<Point:0xb804e2b0 @y=3.1, @x=5> >> p1 < p2 => true >> p1 <= p2 => true >> p1 > p2 => false >> p1 >= p2 => falseSo this is an example of code reuse without using the inheritance mechanism. Instead, we have defined five methods in terms of another method. This is a very convenient way to be able to build up new functionality.
The other common Ruby mixin in Enumerable. It defines a series of methods built on top of the each method. Remember that we defined a MyRange class with an each method:
class MyRange def initialize(first, last) @first = first @last = last end def each i = @first while i <= @last yield i i += 1 end end endBy including the Enumerable mixin, we get 58 new methods. I demonstrated it this way in the interpreter:
>> x =, 10) => #<MyRange:0x00007f9593d1df00 @first=1, @last=10> >> m1 = x.methods => [:first, ... >> class MyRange >> include Enumerable >> end => MyRange >> m2 = x.methods => [:first, ... >> m1.length => 69 >> m2.length => 127 >> m2.length - m1.length => 58And we can see the list of the actual methods by saying:
>> m2 - m1 => [:slice_after, :slice_when, :chunk_while, :sum, :uniq, :chain, :lazy, :to_h, :include?, :max, :min, :to_set, :find, :to_a, :entries, :sort, :sort_by, :grep, :grep_v, :count, :detect, :find_index, :find_all, :select, :filter_map, :reject, :collect, :map, :flat_map, :collect_concat, :inject, :reduce, :partition, :group_by, :tally, :all?, :any?, :one?, :none?, :minmax, :min_by, :max_by, :minmax_by, :member?, :each_with_index, :reverse_each, :each_entry, :each_slice, :each_cons, :each_with_object, :zip, :take, :take_while, :drop, :drop_while, :cycle, :chunk, :slice_before] >>So by defining a single method (each) and using the mixin, we can get 58 very useful methods. This is certainly easier from a programming point of view and it is easier to create consistency across different types of objects when they all refer to the same mixin.
Finally, we looked at a few more reflection features of Ruby. I pointed out that you can ask an object for one of its methods:
m = 3.method(:+) double = 2.method(:*)Once defined, we can use the function call to call the method:
>> 5 => 8 >> 18 => 36You can also selectively send a message to an object:
>> 3.send(:+, 8) => 11This may seem like an odd thing to do, because we could just as easily have said "3 + 8". But this allows us to use an expression inside the call on send. For example, we created a list of symbols and used it to call various methods of the object 25:
>> x = [:+, :*, :-, :/, :**, :%, :==] => [:+, :*, :-, :/, :**, :%, :==] >> 25.send(x[rand(x.length)], 3) => 28 >> 25.send(x[rand(x.length)], 3) => 15625 >> 25.send(x[rand(x.length)], 3) => 1 >> 25.send(x[rand(x.length)], 3) => false >> 25.send(x[rand(x.length)], 3) => 22I also pointed out that Ruby has an eval function:
>> eval("2 + 2") => 4So you can construct a string with code to be executed and simply eval it.