CSE 413 19wi Ruby Resources
CSE 341 18au Videos and Resources
To catch up because of the missed snow days this quarter we're going to rely on videos produced for an online version of CSE 341. The CSE 413 coverage of Ruby is based directly on the CSE 341 material, so the videos and other CSE 341 content are very close to what we had planned, with occasional references to CSE 341-specific material that are not included the same way in CSE 413.
Videos: link. All of the videos should be useful. To catch up on missed lectures, please focus on the initial ones covering basic ruby, classes, and objects: intro, classes/objects, object state, and visibility. The "Longer Example" pulls a lot of details together. Then look at the videos on arrays, blocks, and hashes. We'll pick up from there in lecture the week of Feb. 18.
CSE 341 18au lectures: Ruby is unit 7. Source for slides and sample code.
General Information and Links
The main source for all things Ruby is http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/. We will be using ruby 2.x - any recent version will be sufficient for our purposes. For what we're doing, Ruby 2.x has relatively few differences from earlier versions. We probably won't encounter any problems with this, but any code you turn in should work on a recent 2.x version.
Downloads: Main download page, including links to source code and precompiled versions on the Installing Ruby page. If you run Windows, get the latest RubyInstaller for 2.x and select all of the options when you install it. Recent versions of the OS X developer tools include a current version of Ruby. If you have an older version of OS X an easy way to get the current version of Ruby is to install Homebrew - see the instructions on the Ruby installation page.
Documentation: The Ruby documentation page has many good tutorials, manuals, and links to detailed infromation. You might start with Try Ruby! and Ruby in Twenty Minutes if you want a quick overview.
Reference material: See www.ruby-doc.org. You can also download copies of the reference pages to use when you're offline.
Books: The best tutorial, including a basic class library reference, is Programming Ruby by Dave Thomas and colleagues. The first edition is available free and covers most everything we need for CSE 413. More recent editions can be ordered through any bookstore, but you can also get electronic (pdf, ebook) versions as well as printed copies through the publisher's web site (Pragmatic Programmers). Here is a link to the current version of the book.
Let us know if you find other resources that would be good to add to this page. Send mail to cse413-staff@cs
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