CSE 413 Spring 2011 Final Exam Topics
This is a summary of topics that could appear on the final exam. The exam
will focus on things covered since the midterm, although earlier parts of the
course could appear. You are responsible for everything covered in lectures
and on the homework assignments, although not for the details of the programming language history lectures during the last week of classes..
You may bring one page of hand-written notes to the exam, and you may also
bring the page you had at the midterm exam. No other books, notes, laptops,
iPhones, or other gadgets allowed.
- Ruby
- Basic concepts: objects and messages (everything is an object),
dynamic typing.
- Containers: arrays and hashes.
- Blocks and iterators: blocks, block parameters, using
iterators (
) to sequence through a container, times
for repetition and counting.
- Ruby class definitions: defining classes,
other methods, creating instances with new
, instance variables
(syntax and use), accessors and mutators, attr_reader
- Modules and mixins, namespaces, important mixins:
and Comparable
how these interact with each
and <=>
in classes.
- Duck typing: what do types mean in a dynamically typed language like
Ruby? Tradeoffs compared to languages like Java.
- Inheritance and overriding: defining subclasses, overriding methods,
how a method call is resolved in Ruby.
- Grammars
- Specification of languages using context-free grammars and regular
- Regular expressions: basic operations, using r.e.'s to specify lexical
grammar of typical programming language tokens.
- Context-free grammars: terminals vs. non-terminals, productions, derivations
(leftmost and rightmost), ambiguities and ways to deal with them.
- Scanners, parsers, and interpreters
- Interpreters vs compilers.
- Scanners and parsers: why split the recognizer into these two parts?
Tokens as scanner/parser interface.
- Scanners: principle of longest match, using the grammar to design a
scanner, DFAs (state diagrams) for describing the operation of a recognizer.
- Parsing: reconstructing derivations, abstract vs. concrete syntax;
recursive-descent parsers, dealing with issues like left recursion
and common
in productions.
- Interpreters for functional languages: environments, closures, function application, etc. (e.g., MUPL)
- Basic implementation of dynamic dispatch: objects and vtables for method dispatch in langauges like Java and C++.