CSE 413 Autumn 2008 -- Scheme
Based on notes by Alan Borning.
- Scheme Basics
- Recursion and Applicative Programming
- Side effects in Scheme
- Scoping
- Garbage collection
in DrScheme
DrScheme Programming Environment
Note: After you install DrScheme, be sure to change the Language option to
Standard (R5RS).
Other Resources
- Web page for
Structure and
Interpretation of Computer Programs (includes the
full text of the book online in html format!)
- R5RS Report. This
is the full definition of "classic" Scheme, and is the version we will use.
There is a just-ratified newer version (R6RS).
The big difference between the two is that R6RS has a standardized module
and library system, which is useful in constructing larger programs, but
beyond what we need for CSE 413.
(If you find something else that you think others would be interested
in, send mail to the instructor so it can be added.)
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