CSE 413 Autumn 2005 -- XML

DWJ notes

  1. Introduction to XML and XPath [ex11.zip]
  2. Intro to XSL [ex12.zip]
  3. More XSL [ex13.zip]


  1. W3C XML Home Page
  2. W3C XML 1.0
  3. W3C Namespaces in XML
  4. XML links page by CoverPages
  5. XML tutorial from W3 Schools
  6. XML at Wikipedia
  7. XML resource guide from xml.com
  8. Discussions of XML namespaces
  9. MSDN Library material on XML
  10. Cafe con Leche, XML News and Resources, ER Harold
  11. XML 1.1 Bible, by ER Harold
  12. XML at IBM
  13. XML and related technologies at Microsoft


  1. W3C XPath Standard
  2. XML 1.1 Bible, chapter 15, XSL Transformations, includes information on writing XPath expressions
  3. XPath tutorial from W3 Schools
  4. XPath at Wikipedia


  1. W3C XSL, the Extensible Stylesheet Language Family
  2. W3C XSLT Standard, XSL Transformations
  3. Getting up to speed with XSL from Apache Xalan project
  4. EXSLT, standard extensions for XSL
  5. XSL from Wikipedia
  6. XSL Concepts and Practical Use, a pitch by Grosso and Walsh.
  7. XSL Transformations (XSLT) in Mozilla
  8. An Introduction to Client-Side XSLT from Digital Web Magazine
  9. XML 1.1 Bible, chapter 15, XSL Transformations
  10. CSS and XSL: which should I use?
  11. XSLT Javascript Interface in Gecko
  12. Command Line Transformations Using msxsl.exe from Microsoft


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