CSE 413 Autumn 2005 -- XML
DWJ notes
- Introduction to XML and XPath
- Intro to XSL
- More XSL
- W3C XML Home Page
- W3C XML 1.0
- W3C Namespaces in XML
- XML links page by
- XML tutorial from
W3 Schools
- XML at Wikipedia
- XML resource guide from
- Discussions of XML namespaces
- MSDN Library material on XML
- Cafe con Leche, XML News and Resources, ER Harold
- XML 1.1 Bible, by ER Harold
- XML at IBM
- XML and related technologies at Microsoft
- W3C XPath Standard
- XML 1.1 Bible, chapter 15, XSL Transformations, includes information on writing
XPath expressions
- XPath tutorial from
W3 Schools
- XPath at Wikipedia
- W3C XSL, the Extensible Stylesheet Language Family
- W3C XSLT Standard, XSL Transformations
- Getting up to speed with XSL from Apache Xalan project
- EXSLT, standard extensions for XSL
- XSL from Wikipedia
- XSL Concepts and Practical Use, a pitch by Grosso and Walsh.
- XSL Transformations (XSLT) in Mozilla
- An Introduction to Client-Side XSLT from Digital Web Magazine
- XML 1.1 Bible, chapter 15, XSL Transformations
- CSS and XSL: which should I use?
- XSLT Javascript Interface in Gecko
- Command Line Transformations Using msxsl.exe from Microsoft
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