Setting up jEdit for Compiling Java Code

Note: I only know how to barely make these programs work. If you ask me about specifics, then I probably can't help you.
    Preparing jEdit for Windows
  1. From the Start Menu, select All Programs->jEdit->Set jEdit Parameters
  2. For the "Location of Java application loader" option, choose the javaw.exe file in your Java SDK directory. (For example, mine is "G:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\bin\javaw.exe".)
  3. Running off of the SDK version of javaw.exe may help with some plugins.
    Using JCompiler
  1. Open your Java code file in the jEdit text window.
  2. Goto the Plugins menu and select JCompiler->Compile File.
  3. The file will automatically be compiled and placed in the directory with your Java code.
  4. By default, the code is compiled with debugging information. You can change this by selecting JCompiler->JCompiler Options from the Plugins menu.
    Setting up JSwat
  1. Goto the Plugins menu and select JSwat->Show Options.
  2. Set the options as follows:
    Quicky JSwat for jEdit Tutorial
  1. Download the tutorial file and save it in a directory:
  2. Open the file in jEdit.
  3. Compile the file using JCompiler as explained above.
  4. Click on line 12 of the source file: pushCount++;
  5. Goto the Plugins menu and select JSwat->Add Breakpoint. A red mark should appear next to the line.(This adds a breakpoint to your program, you select Remove Breakpoint to remove it.)
  6. Goto the Plugins menu and select JSwat->Start/Resume VM.
  7. The JSwat Options dialog will pop up. Make sure everything is setup correctly (as explained above), then press Ok.
  8. The JSwat debugger will start suspended. Press the "vmResume" button at the top of the JSwat window.
  9. Wait a moment for all of the threads to start. Several should fill the area below the "Threads" tab.
  10. The tutorial window should appear somewhere on your desktop. Find it and click on the big "Push me" button.
  11. The program should have stopped on the line with a breakpoint and that line should be highlighted.
  12. Click the "Locals" tab at the top of the JSwat window.
  13. Open up the "this (tutorial)" object by clicking on the circle next to the folder icon. Notice that the variables in your object can be viewed here. "pushCount (int)" is currently 0. (The variable type is shown in the parantheses.)
  14. Click the "next" button at the top of the JSwat window.
  15. Open up the "this (tutorial)" object again. Notice that "pushCount (int)" is now 1.
  16. Click the "next" button a couple more times.
  17. Notice that more local variables show up under the "Locals" tab; you can observe these too.
  18. Click the "vmResume" button to continue the execution.
  19. Close the tutorial window.