CSE 413 Spring 2000

Books on Reserve in the Engineering Library

(Reserve books were requested very late, so it may be several days into the quarter before these are available.)

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Harold Abelson & Gerald Sussman with Julie Sussman; 2nd ed, 1996, MIT Press.

The Scheme Programming Language: ANSI Scheme, R. Kent Dybvig; 2nd ed, 1996, Prentice-Hall.

The Java Programming Language, Ken Arnold & James Gosling; 2nd ed, 1997, Addison-Wesley.

The Java Language Specification, James Gosling, Bill Joy & Guy Steele; 1996, Addison-Wesley.

Java in a Nutshell, David Flanagan; 3rd ed, 1999, O'Reilly.

Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell, David Flanagan; 1999, O'Reilly.

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