CSE412 Intro to Data Visualization (Spring 2021)

Final Project Video Production Guide

Each team must create a 2-minute video with narration showing a demo of your visualization and upload it to YouTube. We will create a playlist for all projects in the class. We plan to show all videos in the last week of class, so videos must be strictly no longer than 2 minutes.

Organization and Structure

To create a video that successfully demonstrates your project, make sure to state who your audience is, what your goals are, and how your project addresses those goals. Given the time limit, it is generally not a good idea to simply show all the features of your system; you should instead identify the most interesting elements and focus on uncovering insights in the data. In particular, you should show insights that the audience can discover from your project!

Your video should be understandable by itself; you should not assume that the viewer will read your project summary. Therefore, most videos will need a short introduction explaining the goals and context of the work. Your video should also be understandable to viewers who are not familiar with the subject matter for you webpage.

Be sure to include the title of your project, the team members, and the URL of the project at the beginning of the video!


Videos require much more planning and preparation than most people think. Before you start recording, prepare a detailed script of the video, including a written version of any voiceover text at each scene. A common and often effective strategy for videos that use voice narration is to record the entire narration at a comfortable pace, leaving gaps in the audio for visual transitions, and subsequently record and fit the video accordingly. You can do minor adjustment in the video editing software to fit all the visual transitions with the audio. This is not how one would record a feature film, but it is a useful strategy for a demo video.

Once you've written a voiceover script, find someone who doesn't understand your project and practice your presentation with them, just like you were practicing a talk. Incorporate their feedback before you record your voiceover and video.

Exposition and Presentation

The expository style of your video presentation will greatly affect its impact. Here are some helpful tips for creating an effective and interesting demo video:

  • Use both video and audio.
  • Try to make your point once, and make it effectively; avoid being repetitive.
  • Always explain what is about to happen or what is most interesting: as the narrator, tell the viewer where to look and what to look for. Don't assume they will look where you expect
  • Visual aids, such as callouts, annotations and captions, can help orient the viewer. You may also include slides and images in the video to present other details about your projects. Fades to black can be used as transitions between scenes, but should not be overused.
  • Avoid visual distractions, such as idly moving the mouse in a screen-captured video.

Recording Basics

Record in the highest possible quality and resolution, even though you will compress the final video. Maintain the highest possible quality of the original recording throughout the editing process; leave compression to the last step when you are ready to upload your video.

Audio quality is as important as image quality to the overall impact of your video. Try to avoid recording the noise of computer fans and disks. It is generally better to record the audio separately, by doing a voiceover in a studio or other quiet room, and adding the audio track to the video after they have both been recorded.

Avoid holding a microphone in your hand while recording the audio. If you have a separate microphone, support it with a microphone stand. A hand-held microphone will inevitably lead to uneven volume in the recording.

Screencasting / Video Editing Software

Here are some free options for recording your screen for the demo video:

  • Mac Users. You can use QuickTime to make screen and audio recording. You can also use iMovie to edit the video.
  • Window Users. You can use CamStudio to make screen recordings. Microsoft also has Windows Movie Maker.

Some screencasting software also offers free trials:

  • ScreenFlow offers an unlimited trial but adds a watermark to your videos :(
  • Camtasia offers a 30 day trial for both Mac and PC.

Example Videos


This document was adapted from the ACM CHI video guidelines and the Harvard CS 171 Visualization screencast guide.