HOMEWORK #5 CSE 410 Fall 98  

Due: Monday November 16, in class

1. [SG] Text: pp.46-47, Exercise 2.8

2. Suppose that programs A and B consist of the following instruction
        A: instr X              B: instr U
           instr Y                 instr V
                                   instr W
Show all possible executions if A and B are run "concurrently" in an
interleaved fashion.

3. Refer to the class handout dated 11/98 showing the interleaving of
two processes, A and B, that are competing for a single CPU and IO device,
with round robin scheduling at each clock tick.
Let n=3, so that A and B each terminate after 3 of their CPU/IO cycles.
Compute (1) CPU and IO utilization
        (2) Process throughput
        (3) Average process turnaround time
under both interleaved execution (as in the handout) and sequential

4. Give a non-computer, and practical, example of each of (1) deadlock
and (2) starvation.