CSE410 22wi Description

CSE 410 is an undergraduate course on computer systems, spanning from processor organization through the operating system and a bit of networking. The emphasis is intended to be on breadth and concepts, rather than depth. Assignments will be a combination of reading, paper and pencil, and software implementation. We will use, but not master, RISC-V assembler, C, and possibly Python, as well as associated Linux tools. While programming experience is required, no experience with these languages or Linux is necessary.

Class Communication


Lecture Jan 3-28 Classes held remotely, by zoom.
Lecture Jan 31 - Mar 11 ECE 125 or by zoom, MWF 11:30–12:20
Final Exam Mar 16 Canvas, 2:30-4:20


Lecturer John Zahorjan Monday, 12:30-1:20; Thursday, 12:30-1:20; Zoom
TA Yixiao Li OH: Fri 12:30 - 1:30 pm, Allen 218; 4:30 - 5:30 pm, Allen 218 and Zoom
TA Suzanne Piver OH: Wed 2:30 - 3:30 pm, Zoom
TA Jack Zhang OH: Tue 11:30 am - 12:30 pm; Thu 3 pm - 4 pm, Zoom