/===============================\ | Staff Mini-Biography: Kathryn | \===============================/
WHERE DID YOU GROW UP? WHAT WAS YOUR ACADEMIC PATH? I was born and raised up in Taiwan before I came to UW. HOW MUCH PROGRAMMING HAVE YOU DONE (& WHAT LANGUAGES)? My fist real programming expereince is during CSE 142 here in UW, so not much. I will say Java and JavaScript are the languages I am more comfortable with. WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR HOBBIES, TALENTS, AND SKILLS? I love dancing, photography, traveling, eating, baking, and I don't sleep much. HAVE YOU DONE ANYTHING REMARKABLE? HAS ANYTHING MEMORABLE HAPPENED TO YOU? I can't really come up with something, or maybe say I can speak 3.5 kinds of languages. WHAT COMMITMENTS WILL BE CONSUMING YOUR CYCLES THIS QUARTER? Being TA for this course, taking CSE 332, CSE 490, BIO 180, finding internships.