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CSE 410 Homework 4: Processes and Virtual Memory
Assigned | Wednesday, May 23, 2012 |
Due Date | Thursday, May 31, 2012, 11 pm. |
The purpose of written homework assignments is to get you thinking about the topics being covered in lecture and in readings in the textbook which are not represented in the hands-on, programming lab assignments. These written assignments also better prepare you for course examinations. It is worth noting that the book contains many pratice problems similar to the problems we ask on these written assignments. The solutions for those practice problems are located at the end of each chapter and should give you a feel for the kind of answers we expect you to turn in for these kind of assignments.
Since these written homeworks are not programming lab assignments, you will turn in your assignment online as electronic documents in PDF format or on paper in class on the due date.
Same rules as for homework #1.
We will provide solutions to all of the problems in the written homework assignments on the last day of classes. For that reason, no late assignments will be accepted, even if you have unused late days remaining.
- Problem 8.12
- Problem 8.16
- Problem 8.18
- Practice Problems 9.2 and 9.3 (You may check your answers at the end of the chapter.)
- Problem 9.11
- Problem 9.12
All problems are from the textbook. Note: The code examples in the problems from chapter 8 #include
a header named "csapp.h
". That header incorporates declarations needed to use library routines like fork()
in the code. Otherwise it can be ignored when solving the problems.
Make sure you are using the 2nd edition of Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective. If you're not using the right book, you might be doing the wrong problems!
Submitting Your Work
Please either hand in a paper copy at the beginning of class the day before the assignment is due, or turn in a PDF file containing your answers to the Catalyst drop box linked from the CSE 410 main web page. We will not accept electronic submissions that are not in PDF format. (Scanned copies of handwritten files are okay, as long as the files are small - a few MB at the most - and the copies are legible, but PDF files produced with a text editor or word processor are preferred.)
Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Box 352350 Seattle, WA 98195-2350 (206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX