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 CSE 410 Computer Systems - Homework 3 - Spring 2009
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Due: Thursday, April 23, at 11 pm.

This assignment is intended to give you more experience with MIPS programming, in particular the standard procedure call sequence. There are also a few questions on two's complement numbers.

Part I. Written questions

  1. Convert the following decimal numbers to 2's complement, 16-bit binary numbers. Show your answers in both binary and hexadecimal.
    1. -410
    2. -2,301
  2. Convert the following 16-bit 2's complement hexadecimal numbers to decimal.
    1. 0xCAFE
    2. 0xF00
    3. 0x8000
  3. Suppose we have the following procedure written in YFPL (Your Favorite Programming Language):
      int mumble(int a, int b) {
        int x;
        int y;
        x = 3;
        y = 17+a;
        x = foo(a,y,x);
        return x+y+b;
    1. Draw a picture of the MIPS stack frame for procedure mumble. The stack frame should follow the conventions described in class and should include space to save registers, space for local variables, and an argument build area. You should allocate space for both local variables (x and y). Show the location of the stack pointer ($sp) in your picture as it appears after it has been changed at the beginning of procedure mumble to allocate the stack frame, and show the offsets of each of the variables, saved registers, and other items in the stack frame by writing the name and offset of each item.
    2. Translate procedure mumble to MIPS assembly language by hand. Your translation should follow the standard MIPS calling conventions as outlined in class. For the purposes of this exercise, wherever an assignment statement in the original code stores a value in a variable, your answer should include code to actually store the value in the appropriate location in the stack frame allocated for that variable, even though in normal assembly language code you might well be able to leave the value(s) in some register(s) and not have to store them to memroy.
      Note: it is not necessary to know anything about procedure foo other than it has three integer arguments and returns an integer result, and that the label foo is defined elsewhere in the code.

Part II. Sorting things out

Write a MIPS procedure sort and a main program to test it on two different integer arrays. The sorting algorithm should be selection sort, implemented as described below. Your program should also include a procedure to print an integer array and use it to print each array both before and after sorting. Your program should be stored in a file named sort.s and you should run it using SPIM.

Selection Sort

The idea behind selection sort is to repeatedly scan the unsorted part of the array for its smallest element and move that element to the front. Here is a pseudo-code description of the algorithm.

// input:  an unsorted array A[0..n-1] containing n integer values
// output: a permutation of the original array A[0..n-1] such that
//         A[0] <= A[1] <= ... <= A[n-1]
for (k = 0; k < n-1; k++) {
  set loc = location of smallest value in A[k..n-1];
  swap(A[k], A[loc]);

Because this is an exercise in programming in MIPS assembly language using procedures, you should structure your sorting code so it implements selection sort with the following procedures (illustrated in YFPL):
/* sort A[0..n-1] */
void sort(int A[], int n) {
  int k, loc;
  for (k = 0; k < n-1; k++) {
    loc = minloc(A, k, n);
    swap(A, k, loc);

/* return the value loc such that A[loc] is the smallest value in A[k..n-1] */
int minloc(int A[], int k, int n) {
  // perform a sequential search of A[k..n-1] and return the position of the smallest value

/* interchange the values of A[i] and A[j] */
void swap(int A[], int i, int j) {
You should also include an additional procedure to print an array:
/* print the elements A[0], A[1], ..., A[n-1] with two spaces between */
/* each pair of numbers, followed by a newline after the last number  */
void print(int A[], int n) {

Finally, you should declare two integer arrays of different lengths in the .data section of your code, then write a main program that, for each array, prints its original contents, sorts it, then prints the sorted results. The arrays don't need to be particularly large, and you probably want to keep one of them pretty short (3 or 4 items) to make it easier to debug and trace your code. Feel free to print extra text to label the output, etc. if you wish (within limits - a few descriptive lines are fine, pages of ASCII art are not).


Your code should divide the job into separate procedures as described above. All of the procedures should follow the full standard MIPS function call conventions, including allocating stack frames for all non-leaf functions (and for leaf functions if needed). Procedure main should return to the startup code when it is done by executing a jr $ra, and not by executing an exit syscall as was done in some of the earlier examples we've seen. You are free to use the registers as you wish as long as you follow the standard conventions. In particular, you may keep local variables in registers instead of storing and loading them from main memory when this makes sense.

You should include reasonable comments in your code so a reader (including you!) can quickly figure out what you're trying to do, and can find things in the code. The comments should not paraphrase the operation of individual machine instructions. Instead, try to capture the higher-level control structures and organization that are not apparent from the detailed assembly instructions. Your comments should describe the stack frame layout and register usage in your functions. Be sure to include your name at the top of the file.


Simple, understandable, and working code is highly preferred over tricky and hard to follow code, even if it actually does work.

Thinking is highly recommended before coding. Spend some time designing your functions, particularly the stack frame layouts and how you plan to use the registers. Document your decisions with comments in the code. Planning and commenting will save you enormous amounts of time and get the whole job done sooner with much less pain.

Don't tackle the entire job at once. Instead, figure out something you can do first without implementing everything else, test that out and get it working, and then add to it to complete the project. For instance, you can test function print before any of the sorting is implemented, and once that works it will be useful for displaying data as you work on the rest of the code. Once print works, you can implement both swap and minloc independently and test them before putting them together with everything else to finish sort.

A swap procedure was presented in lecture and is included in the discussion of sorting in the book. Feel free to (re-)use or adapt that code. You should mention your source for this code in a comment if you use it. Other than that, all of the code should be your own although, of course, you are free to model your code after examples in the book and presented in class.

Turn-in Instructions: Use the turn-in drop box link on the main course web page to submit your assignment. This should include a text file with the answer to the written questions, and the sort.s file containing your solution to the sorting problem. You can use any common file format for the written answers, including plain text, word, or pdf. If you wish, you could also scan in a hand-written solution and submit that, but if you do that, please be sure your handwriting is neat and legible. Please be sure to include your name at the top of each of the files you turn in.

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[comments to Hal Perkins]