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 CSE 410 - Project 3 Images
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Here are some images created with the solution code for project 3.  Note that the images on this page are all gif format for ease of display.  The project 3 program can only read 24-bit bmp format files.  The original bmp formatted test images ( rgb200.bmp and tn-fish.bmp ) are available if you want to do similar experiments.

rgb200.gif A couple of initial images were provided. tn-fish.gif
rgb200: basic  image for testing the filters tn-fish: another small image for testing the filters

rgb200-1.gif rgb200-1-2.gif The first filters are flip and mirror.  Since the rows are all word-aligned, the flip filter can do word copies.  The mirror filter does byte by byte copies since the pixels are not word aligned.
rgb200-1: flip rgb200-1-2: flip, then mirror

There are filters to brighten and darken  the various color planes.  In both of these images, the red is brightened.  The color values must be clamped so that they don't exceed 255 and wrap around to 0, or conversely, go below 0 and wrap around to 255. rgb200-17-17-17-17-17-17.gif tn-fish-17-17-17-17-17-17.gif
rgb200-17-17-17-17-17-17: brighten red tn-fish-17-17-17-17-17-17: brighten red

rgb200-11.gif tn-fish-10.gif There are some simple filters to select one or more of the color planes.
rgb200-11: select red and green tn-fish-10: select green

tn-fish-33-2.gif The threshold filters can create interesting effects. ="tn-fish-33.gif"
tn-fish-33-2: threshold red, mirror tn-fish-33: threshold red

For extra credit, one could also do simple convolution filters like mean blur, and the Laplacian of the Gaussian.  In the solution, these 5x5 convolution procedures pretty much filled every available register. tn-fish-3.gif rgb200-4.gif
tn-fish-3: blur rgb200-4: Laplacian of Gaussian

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