Software Engineering Java Assignment

Due: Thursday, 4/16/98

This assignment is intended to "get your feet wet" with Java programming. Thus, the emphasis of this assignment is more to learn the Java language and tools. In other words, do not put too much effort into creative or elaborate solutions to the problem.

Since you will be designing and implementing some neat air traffic controllers, your first assignment is to write a Java application/applet which will take the following as input:

  1. An airplane position
    - 3 coordinates
  2. An airplane velocity
    - 3 coordinates
  3. An axis-aligned airspace/box
    - 6 coordinate (max & min for each coord)
  4. An elapsed amount of time
    - one value

Given this input, the program will calculate and output the following:

  1. The planes position after the elapsed time.
  2. Whether or not the position is inside the airspace/box after the elapsed time.
  3. Whether or not the plane was ever in the airspace during the elapsed time.
I do not care if you create an application, an applet, or both. However, make sure that your code has the following documentation:
  1. Your name and ID number
  2. How to compile and run your program
  3. The usual code comments.
If you have any questions, send email to wilcox@cs.