CSE 403 project: Project proposal


  1. Develop an exciting product idea with one or two other students. As you develop your vision, think about who is your customer, what is the problem you are trying to solve, and what is your solution. The project should be appropriate for a 6-person CSE 403 team to complete in 8 weeks.
  2. Write a 1-2 page proposal document.
  3. Prepare a 4-slide slideshow, and present it to the whole class.
  4. View other students’ proposals and rank them (including your own) by which project you would prefer to work on.
  5. The staff will use these rankings to organize project teams, taking into account project and teammate preferences.


Select one or two other students to work together with you on a proposal. You can leverage the class discussion board to find a partner, as well as attend section on Tuesday where the staff will help form partnerships. If you don’t have a partner after section on Tuesday, contact the 403 staff immediately so we can help connect you with another student.

Create your pitch

First, develop an interesting project idea. You want to convince a venture capitalist that your project is worth funding.

1. Write a 2 page proposal (PDF)

Here is information that you should include in your document.

2. Create a 4-page slideshow presentation (PDF)

3. Submit to Canvas.

Present your proposal, and listen to other proposals

Rank your preferences

Fill out and submit the form of project and team preferences. Full instructions are in the form.


Will my grade depend on whether my project is chosen?

Do I have to work on the project that I proposed?

How many people can work together on a project?

How will you create the project groups?

How should I describe current practice?

Any advice regarding writing and presentation? Excellent question! Here are some tips: