Finalize your group project, take additional (peer-review) feedback into account, and record a demo of the final release of your system together with a group reflection on your project experience.
Work with your project group to (1) finalize your group project and (2) prepare a demo of your project, including a group reflection.
Complete the implementation of your project in your GitHub repository.
Based on the provided instructions in (or linked from) the top-level file, anyone should be able to understand the purpose of the project and easily find instructions for building, testing, and running the system without issues.
You are also expected to address the feedback from the peer review comments.
Complete this in the main branch of your repository by 03/06 EOD.
See the instructions for a demo presentation. You have 8 minutes, strictly enforced. Presentations will take place on March 7 and 8.
You will present your slides and do your demo from your own laptop. However, you will not plug your laptop into a projector, because that takes too long. Instead you will connect to a Zoom link and show your demo by sharing your screen.