CSE 403 project: Beta release


Solidify your toolchain and processes, implement the core components, and demo a first release of your project.

Set up

Work with your project group to (1) solidify your toolchain and processes, (2) provide an initial documentation, and (3) record a first demo of your project.


1. Solidify your toolchain, processes, and instructions (40%)

Complete this in the main branch of your repository by Tuesday 11/12 EOD.

2. Implement and integrate first versions of all your system’s major components (40%)

Implement and demo a first prototype. At least one use case that touches all major components of your system must be operational. For example, in the case of a client-server web application, a user command invoked from the front end should be able to return data from the back end.

The top-level README in your repository must reflect which use case(s) are operational.

Complete this in the main branch of your repository.

3. Present your demo and reflection (20%)

See the instructions for a demo presentation.

The presentation will take place on November 13th, 14th, and 15th, and you have 10 minutes in total. Aim to leave about 2 minutes for questions at the end.

You will present your slides and do your demo from your own laptop. However, you will not plug your laptop into a projector, because that takes too long. Instead you will connect to a Zoom link and show your demo by sharing your screen.

What to submit