Course project: Final release


Finalize your group project, take additional (peer-review) feedback into account, present a live demo of the final release of your system and provide a group reflection on your project experience.

Due date: Tues 12/5/23, 11:59pm PT. Submit in Canvas and GitHub as directed (check Calendar for any updates).

Set up

Work with your project group to (1) finalize your group project and (2) prepare and present a live demo of your project (3) conduct a final group reflection/retrospective.


1. Finalize your project (50%)

2. Prepare and present a live in-class demo (20%)

3. Conduct a project retrospective (30%)

Provide a retrospective on the overall group project. Your retrospective should address and reflect on the following major components. You should include what were the main lessons learned that you would take forward to your next project.

Your project retrospective should be at most three (3) pages long. Save your retrospective as a PDF file named ProjectName_GroupRetrospective.pdf.

4. Submit and present

Clarifications (posted in Ed)