Select one or two other students to work together with you on a proposal. You can leverage the class discussion board to find a partner, as well as section on Thursday. If you don’t have a partner after section on Thursday, contact the 403 staff who can help connect you with another student.
Fill out and submit the class form (watch Ed Discussion for the link) identifying your team members by DEADLINE: Friday 9/29/23 11:59pm so we can get Canvas set up for your assignment.
1. Write a 1-2 page proposal document (PDF)
2. Prepare a 3-minute slideshow presentation - an elevator pitch (PDF)
3. Submit your proposal and slideshow deck DEADLINE: Monday 10/2/23, 11:59pm (see Calendar)
4. Present your proposal
5. Rank your project preferences DEADLINE: Thurs 10/5/23, 11:59pm (see Calendar)
Note: The 403 staff will use the results of the form to influence the projects selected for the class and to assign you to a project team. There is opportunity to identify 1-2 students that you’d like to work with, however the request must be mutual and the 403 staff cannot guarantee any groupings.
No. Your grade is not based upon whether your project is chosen (by other students or by the 403 staff) to be implemented. Rather, your grade is based on the quality of your materials and your presentation. We will be evaluating whether you have addressed the identified project elements, made reasonable judgments concerning them, and organized and presented your proposal well.
It is essential to clearly indicate the problem, and why it matters to potential users of your system. For example, how will the system change the way they perform some task? Too often, this most important bit is missing in proposals. Only after that is it worthwhile to say that the project will be possible (or even fun) to build.
No. Your ranking does not have to include your own proposal, if you are more excited about other teams’ ideas. Also, you can split up your proposal team and work with a different group for the class project.
We will aim for groups of 4-6 students per project. If a project proposal is particularly popular, it is possible that more than one group can work on the same project idea – with a different focus or technical approach.
Try to focus on important questions about the addressed problem and possible impacts of your solution rather than technical details of that solution: What is your product, at a high level? Whom is it for? What problem does it solve? What alternatives are available? Why is this project compelling and worth developing?
You should spend nearly as much time understanding what already exists as you do coming up with something new. For example, don’t propose to develop a web search engine without knowing that Google exists. You could propose, however, some search engine features that you believe would be super useful and that Google doesn't provide.
Clearly explain what differentiates your project from the alternatives. Differentiate the top-level objectives, target customers, scope, and technical approach of your product from existing, alternative products. Indicate what is novel about your proposed features. Don’t belabor features that are standard in existing packages.
Also, indicate how the proposed project poses interesting design (or other) challenges from a software engineering point of view.
Don’t dive into too many technical details in your project pitch. You can say a few words about the underlying technology, but your first priority should be to convince the staff and the class that the project is interesting and solves an important problem.
Remember that this delivery is the basis for the class to decide which products to develop and deliver this quarter.
Excellent question! Here are some tips: