Here are some classic dynamic analysis problems: Testing: * creating tests * test prioritization and selection * test quality Debugging: * reproduce * localize * fix =========================================================================== A test case consists of: test input test oracle Don't forget either part. Both are critical. We will focus mostly on input generation, because the test oracle problem is "too hard". Exhaustive testing: In theory: just try every input. This is too inefficient. We have discussed that a static analysis, akin to a proof, can provide guarantees, but a dynamic analysis cannot. That's not entirely true, because a dynamic analysis can give a guarantee; for example, testing can verify correctness. You just have to try try every input. In practice, this is impractical because it is too inefficient (it might even be infinitely large), but it should be what you have in the back of your mind every time you write a test suite. It's no worse (in terms of computability) than performing a perfectly precise static analysis that never performs abstraction or throws away information. Both static and dynamic analysis are equally about deciding what information to abstract, which is an engineering tradeoff. =========================================================================== Because we cannot achieve exhaustive tests, use heuristics: * partition testing * edge cases * exhaustive over a smaller bound * coverage Each heuristic is based on intuition about * how programs run and how they fail * errors programmers make Two complementary ways to think about writing a non-exhaustive version: * write the exhaustive version, but then remove tests that are redundant * be exhaustive, in some sense but not all senses =========================================================================== Write the exhaustive version, but then remove tests that are redundant An alternate way of thinking, that is closer to what you will actually do, is to add tests so long as they are not redundant with existing tests. Sometimes you can prove that two tests are redundant, but usually the redundancies are based on heuristics. What tests are redundant? * partition the input * use abstractions as you might for static analysis * toy example: even vs. odd * corner cases: 0, null, empty list, empty file * co-occurrence of failures * in the past, 2 tests always succeeded together or always failed together; one seems redundant with the other * environmental assumptions * inputs * outputs * libraries * input size: every input up to a given size * small scope hypothesis * internal metrics * program state, data structures * call sequence or trace * coverage: if 2 tests achieve the same coverage, they are redundant with one another * values (like edge cases and like partitioning of input or program state) * code coverage ("structural coverage") * line * branch * path * specification * think of it as pseudocode and cover it Model checking is a fancy technical term for brute-force exploration of all inputs (up to some bounded size or some other limits). It's challenging to achieve this efficiently. Another approach: symbolic execution. Consider the code f(int x, int y) { get here if x=100000 and x<2*y int z = 2 * y; get here if x==100000 and x=". Mutation score = % of all mutations that are killed (detected) by the test suite. A higher number indicates a stronger test. =========================================================================== How to use coverage Measuring the absolute coverage of a test suite is not very useful in and of itself. Comparing the coverage of two test suites is very helpful for test suite augmentation and minimization. Suppose you have a test suite S with coverage .82. You could write a new test t, and measure the coverage of S+t. * If it is higher, then add t to the suite. * If it is lower, then don't add t to the suite. You can also try removing some test t' that is already in the suite. * If the coverage of S-t' is lower, then t' was useful; retain it. * If the coverage of S-t' is the same as S, then remove t'. This assumes that coverage is a perfect proxy for test quality. If you have other reasons to add/remove a test suite, then make your own decisions. These techniques can still sometimes be useful. =========================================================================== Teaser for Randoop paper: [defer other material to a later lecture if necessary, to get to this] Randoop generates tests randomly ("guided random") * failing tests * passing tests Main questions, analogous to main parts of a test (input and oracle): * where do the tests (sequences of calls) come from? * how to know if the test pasess How Randoop works. Randoop's main data structure is a pool of values. Each one is accompanied by a code snippet: a sequence of method calls that evaluates to the value. 0. Initialize pool with -1, 0, 1, 2, 10, null, "hello", etc. Loop: 1. Choose method 2. Choose arguments from pool [of appropriate types] 3. Make a new test: concatenate code snippets for the arguments, plus a new method call at the end. 4. Classify the test, heuristically * normal execution: put it in the pool, will build other tests from it add assertions * failure: output as a failing test * invalid: discard it [This teaser prepares students to read the paper and have a more extensive discussion during the next class. Or, I could distribute a textual explanation, and maybe that would work even better, especially if there is not time for the teaser.] Random vs. systematic: which is better, and why =========================================================================== Review of the above: Goal of testing is exhaustive testing (equivalent to verification). =========================================================================== [Don't spend lecture time on this.] As a digression, here are terms you should use instead of the ambiguous, informal term "bug". (You should also avoid the ambiguous term "fault".) The definitions are adapted from Defect:: A flaw, failing, or imperfection in a system, such as an incorrect design, algorithm, or implementation. Also known as a fault or bug. Typically caused by a human mistake. Error:: An error is a discrepancy between the intended behavior of a system and its actual behavior inside the system boundary, such as an incorrect program state. Not detectable without assert statements and the like. Failure:: A failure is an instance in time when a system displays behavior that is contrary to its specification. =========================================================================== Other possible papers: author = "Chandrasekhar Boyapati and Sarfraz Khurshid and Darko Marinov", title = "Korat: Automated Testing Based on {Java} Predicates", booktitle = ISSTA2002, Jeff Offutt and Roland H. Untch. Mutation 2000: Uniting the Orthogonal. Mutation 2000: Mutation Testing in the Twentieth and the Twenty First Centuries, pages 45--55, San Jose, CA, October 2000.