CSE 403 Project 8: Give and Address Feedback

You should continue working on your project this week. You should be mostly finished with your implementation by now, and should be working in earnest on your evaluation.

As always, you will submit a revision of your project report, incorporating all feedback you have received so far. Be sure to update your results if you improved your implementation or methodology or expanded your experiments.

Your team is also responsible for giving a holistic code review to another team this week. Spend about 4 person-hours reviewing their codebase. At least two people should contribute to your review, working independently. Comparing the reviews will help your team improve your reviews.

Focus on what you believe is the most important part of the other team's codebase. Consult their documentation, commits, pull requests, or whatever else is available to decide what is most important to review. Your comments can address anything related to the other team's codebase: it may address code correctness, code style, documentation, process (i.e. are they doing code reviews internally?), or anything else. When a review is finished, open a GitHub issue in their repository containing your feedback. Include a sentence or two describing how you decided what to review. The team assignments are below:


Commit, to the week8 directory, a single PDF named report.pdf. Submit the same document via Canvas.

At least two GitHub issues in the repository belonging to the team you were assigned to review, containing your review comments.


Wed May 16, 12:30pm
Added a time limit to reviewing, and added requirement that at least two individuals participate in reviews.