Project proposal presentations
Thursday, Jan 07, 9:30-10:20, MOR 220
- Zijin Zhang (wszzj@cs) and Shan Yang (shany3@cs)
- Kyle Owsen (owsenk@cs) and Elizabeth Schibig (lizs3434@cs)
- Kristi Gable (gablek@uw) and Melissa Khuat (mkhuat@uw)
- Ryan Drapeau (drapeau@cs) and Sonja Khan (sonjak3@cs)
- Aaron Nech (necha@cs) and Nick Huynh (huynick@cs)
- Grace Qiu (graceqiu@cs) and Carson Gulledge (cgull@cs)
- Sheen Dudwadkar (sheendud@cs) and Michelle Lee (leem46@cs)
- Jakob Sunde (jsunde@cs) and Alex Vrhel (avrhel@cs)
- Geoffrey Liu (sn310533@cs) and Riley Dulin (dulinr@cs)
- Siddhartha Gorti (sgorti3@cs) and Andrew Tat (atat94@cs)
- Hao Liu (liuh25@cs) and Ruijia Wang (ruijiw@cs)
- Jessica Tsang (jbktsang@uw) and Isaac Schaaf (ischaaf@uw)
- Ziye Wang (cwang7@uw) and Weijia Dai (weijid@uw)
- Tyler Kekona (kekonat@cs) and Sean Wammer (swammer@cs)
- Roee Avnon (avnon@uw)
Friday, Jan 08, 10:30-11:20, KNE 210
- Omar Adel AlSughayer (oasugher@cs) and Jessica Bahr (jbahr99@cs)
- Stanley Janicki (sjanicki@uw) and Alec Greiwe (adgreiwe@uw)
- Michael Shintaku (shintaku@cs)
- Carson Lipscomb (carsonal@uw) and Todd Maegerle (toddis@uw)
- Stefan Holdener (hstefan@uw) and Maxton Scott Coulson (mjsc@uw)
- Hope Crandall (hopesc@uw), Matthew Mans (mans1626@cs), and Lance Ogoshi (logoshi@cs)
- Tyler Jacoby (tsjacoby@cs) and Xianzhe Peng (pxz2012@cs)
- Riley Wilk (wilkr@cs) and Calob Symonds (symondsc@cs)
- Michael Kim (mkim123@cs) and Jesus Larios Murillo (larioj@uw)
- Sam Crow (samcrow@cs) and Kyle Woo (kylew5@uw)
- Kevin Liang (kevinl95@cs) and Michael Diamant (diamantm@uw)
- Benjamin Tebbs (bentebbs@cs)
- Michael Kibbe (mkibbe@uw) and Seewan Kim (roskfk@uw)
- Cyndi Ai (aixin@uw)