Reading Assignment 4 (due at 11pm, January 28)
A. The
interaction of social issues and software architecture
J. The
Joel Test
There are two readings for this week, and you have
a choice between four questions. After having
read the two assigned papers, respond to one of the four
questions below (4 points). Indicate clearly in your response
which question you are responding to.
- As you begin working on your project, you are choosing (or
have chosen) one or more software frameworks to build
around. Give an example of a pattern that is important to your
framework, and explain how it helps your project.
- Joel Spolsky recommends “hallway usability tests,”
where you use your peers to test your products. Can you think of
examples where this would be a bad idea?
- Another definition of a software pattern
is “a
named nugget of insight that conveys the essence of a proven
solution to a recurring problem within a certain context amidst
competing concerns.” Give an example of a software
pattern you know of and a “competing concern” which
would suggest not applying the pattern.
- Describe a design decision you have made or seen (not
necessarily for this course) in the social context
as described in Cockburn’s paper. Try to use the same
Intent-Context-Forces-Resolution format.