Due: Wednesday, June 4, 2014 by 23:00
Turnin: via your repository
Demos: during the final exam period on Monday, June 9, 2014 at 8:30 am
Reflection writeup: due individually, by 23:00 on Sunday June 8; via Catalyst
Release day is here! Your customers can't wait to receive the delivery of their product. This assignment is the final release. Your adoring fans, and fame and fortune, await. Full milestone payment will be given for a product that meets their requirements including reliability, extensibility, and maintainability. Evidence of good software practices during development is sure to convince them of these features.
Your final release contains the same components from your release candidate, with a few minor additions noted below.
The staff may review any materials that you submitted at any time during the project. This means that your grade could go up, if you have fixed problems that were noted earlier. It also means that you could get penalized again, for being appraised of them but not fixing them, or if other problems are noticed.
You may make improvements to your release candidate, if you noticed problems worth fixing in the meanwhile. You do not have to tell the staff which problems you fixed. Fixing a problem is usually, but not always, the right thing to do: your goal is high quality, and fixing a bug removes a defect, but has the chance to introduce new defects. So fixing very minor issues that might have significant impact may not be worthwhile at this stage. Fixing problems that are unlikely to impact the rest of the project (this should be most problems, if your software is well-designed!) is still worthwhile.
There are four deliverables:
As a measure of how well designed and extensible your system is, identify exactly what components must change, and how, to accommodate the below design changes. There should be enough detail for a competent developer to begin making the changes without having to make any significant design decisions. (Write this as a section of your design documentation.)
You will give a demo / presentation during the final exam period, on Monday June 6 at 8:30am. This is your opportunity to show off your deliverable and impress your customer in person. This presentation should be roughly 10-15 minutes long. 2 or 3 of your group members must participate in the presentation, who did not participate in the previous demo (or in your architecture re-presentation, if applicable) in class. (But as always, all members should be present, ready to share the commendations.) You do not have to turn in your slides ahead of time, but please provide them to the course staff after your presentation. The customer would like to see, in particular:
You do not need to submit the slides ahead of time, but you are permitted to show them to the staff to ask for feedback, if you want to.
First, update your SRS schedule. In your original SRS, you submitted an approximate schedule for how you thought your team would spend its time. Update your SRS with a new schedule showing how each member has actually spent his/her work time, which may be very different than your original estimate. In particular, describe approximately how much time you have actually spent so far on each of those features, along with estimates for how much more time you think it will take to finish any of them that went unfinished. Express all times in terms of days, and try to be accurate within a few developer-days for each feature; you may want to look at your version control logs to get a more accurate picture of how long you've spent working on each feature.
Then, write a postmortem document of approximately 2 pages addressing the following points.
Individually: Write 1-2 page reflection of lessons learned from the project experience. The lessons can be in terms of specifications, design, planning, teamwork, implementation, etc. Below are some questions that you might answer, though the format and specifics are up to you. You will be graded on the thoughtfulness and insight of your answers, not on what you actually believe.
What worked well? What would you do differently next time? What do you wish you had known ahead of time? What surprised you? What do you now believe that you did not believe at the beginning of the quarter, and why? What ideas taught in class do you still not believe, and why? What advice would you give future CSE 403 students? Are you happy/proud of the work you completed? If not, why, and what could you (not others) have changed so that you were happy/proud of your accomplishments? Do others on your team feel the same way you do?
Finally, the staff is also very interested in your feedback about what went well in the class, and what should be done differently in the future. Creating a class is like engineering a system: tradeoffs are required (some of which are not immediately obvious to someone who has not deeply studied the domain), and some problems are inevitable, but feedback helps to identify which ones are most important and to fix those in the future. You'll have an opportunity to fill out a course evaluation form, which we encourage you to complete. We also welcome additional comments in person, by email, etc. Providing us such feedback is not a requirement and will not be graded. You may provide it before or after grades have been submitted. We find non-anonymous feedback much more useful, but you may submit it anonymously if you prefer. Thanks!