
General Grading Information

General information about grading at the University of Washington is available as part of the University of Washington Student Guide. A general description of what the grades mean is available as part of the Faculty Resource on Grading.

Weighting of Scores

The scores you receive on the various graded tasks in the class will be weighted as follows in order to determine your total score for the class:

20%LCO and LCA
20%Essays (2 @ 10%)
35%Beta and Final Releases
20%Final Exam
100%Your Total Score for the class

Scores on the Web

Your scores on the various graded tasks in the class will be available over the web through your MyUW account. You need your UWNetID and password in order to get access. To configure MyUW, do the following.


I will convert your total score for the class to a grade using a more or less linear conversion. Generally a score of about 75% gives a grade of 2.5, and a score of about 90% gives a grade of 3.5. These are not hard and fast numbers but they give you a general idea of how the grades are calculated. Note that you are not in competition with the other students in the class for your grade. Do the work and you'll do fine.