Software Tools

The basic software packages for this class are installed in the CSE labs. If needed, additional links will be provided here as the quarter progresses.

Webservers and databases

Class projects may need access to a database for their operation. Instructions for using web servers and related databases are provided by the department for both Windows [Developing ASP.NET Applications] and Unix [Notes on Instructional Use of Cubist] environments.

Source configuration control

You will want to use a configuration management system of some sort during the projects. One relatively simple to use system is CVS. You can download the simple command line interface tool here. []. There are several GUI clients for CVS, eg WinCVS and TortoiseCVS. There is a UW ACM primer on CVS [link] and the main CVS manual is at [].

Remote Access

For Windows, an SSH client installer is available here SSHSecureShellClient-3.2.2.exe and a key authentication manager is available here SSHAccessionLite.exe. These are from UW C&C, but you should note that C&C does not support Accession Lite and this version of Secure Shell does not have pre-built configuration customizations for use at the UW.

Bug Tracking


Mailing Lists

MailmanLists via C&C