
* 12.7(a,c).

Reading Assignments

* Ch 10 (very useful for your current homework.)

Assignment #5

* You may want to interact with fellow students or consultants to share ideas or thoughts before you start programming.

* due Fri, Aug 4.

Time complexity of recursive functions

void mystery1(int x)


for (int i = 1; i <= x; i++) {

// some task requiring constant time


if (x > 1) {

mystery1(x - 1);



long fib(int n)


if (n < 0) {

// error

} else if (n == 0) {

return 0;

} else if (n == 1) {

return 1;

} else { return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);



Selection Sort

void sort(int v[], int n)


for (int bottom = n - 1; bottom >= 1; bottom--) {

int max_index = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= bottom; i++) {

if (v[i] > v[max_index]) {

max_index = i;



swap(v[bottom], v[max_index]);



void swap(int& x, int& y)


int temp = x; x = y; y = temp;


Bubble sort

// just the algorithm is shown

for (int bottom = n - 1; bottom > 0; bottom--) {

for (int i = 0; i < bottom; i++) {

if (v[i] > v[i+1]) {

swap(v[i], v[i+1]);




* number of comparisons = O(n2) for both

* number of swaps = O(n) for selection sort, O(n2) for bubble sort.

Quick sort

void qsort(int v[], int lower, int upper)


// zero or one item to sort

if (lower >= upper) {



// two items to sort

if (upper - lower == 1) {

if (v[lower] > v[upper]) {

swap(v[lower], v[upper]);




// three or more items to sort

int mid = (lower + upper) / 2;

int pivot = v[mid];

swap(v[mid], v[lower]);

int lo = lower + 1;

int hi = upper;

do {

while ((lo <= hi) && v[lo] <= pivot) {



while (v[hi] > pivot) { hi--; }

if (lo < hi) {

swap(v[lo], v[hi]);


} while (lo < hi); v[lower] = v[hi];

v[hi] = pivot;

qsort(v, lower, hi-1);

qsort(v, hi+1, upper);


* Worst case: O(N2)

* Average case: O(N log N)

Cautions about Big-O analysis

* Limitations

1. For complicated algorithms, big-O analysis may be extremely difficult or impossible.

2. Big-O is a coarse measure that cannot capture small differences in algorithms.

f(n) = 1000 n (seconds)

g(n) = 0.001 n (seconds)

Both are O(n) but 1 is 1 million times faster!

h(n) = 0.000001 n5 + 1000 n4

O(n5) if n > 1,000,000,000 !

O(n4) may be a more reasonable measure.

3. Big-O says little or nothing about algorithm for small sets of data.