Date | Description |
January 4 | Introduction |
January 6 | Interpreters, desugaring, and scoping |
January 11 | Lexical scoping and iterators |
January 13 | Control structures: co-routines |
January 15 |
Co-routines: implementation Audio recording |
January 20 | Reactive Programming: Arrowlets |
January 25 | Reactive Programming: Arrowlet implementation |
January 27 | Reactive Programming: Continuation-Passing Style, Arrowlet implementation 2 |
February 1 | Parsing: Grammars and syntax-driven translation |
February 3 | CYK & Earley parsers |
February 8 | Regular expressions |
February 17 | Object inheritance |
February 19 |
Static typing Video recordings |
February 22 | Static analysis |
February 24 | Pointer analysis and Introduction to Constraint Programming |
February 29 | Constraint Programming |
March 2 |
Compiling Constraints and Code Optimization sample z3 code |
March 7 | Managed runtimes: garbage collection |
March 9 | Managed runtimes and example DSLs |