/* * Convert IEEE-754 32-bit/64-bit floats/doubles into decimal, * following the formatting and rounding rules from Java Double.toString(). * * This code was taken from the Google Android Dalvik runtime system, * and modified by rrh@newrelic.com as needed to translate from Java to C, * and change the C portions as needed to not run within Dalvik. * * See: * https://gitorious.org/0xdroid/dalvik/source/24f92a2538b58e541ef5b5b143e094c9ba16c035:libcore/luni/src/main/native/org_apache_harmony_luni_util_NumberConvert.c#L16-58 * https://gitorious.org/0xdroid/dalvik/source/24f92a2538b58e541ef5b5b143e094c9ba16c035:libcore/luni/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/luni/util/NumberConverter.java#L26 * * http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= */ #include #include #include #include /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ typedef int jint; typedef long long int jlong; typedef int jboolean; typedef double jdouble; typedef float jfloat; typedef int boolean; #define true 1 #define false 0 static double invLogOfTenBaseTwo; static int64_t TEN_TO_THE[20]; static int did_fill_TEN_TO_THE = 0; static void fill_TEN_TO_THE() { unsigned i; invLogOfTenBaseTwo = log(2.0) / log(10.0); TEN_TO_THE[0] = 1LL; for (i = 1; i < sizeof(TEN_TO_THE)/sizeof(TEN_TO_THE[0]); ++i) { int64_t previous = TEN_TO_THE[i - 1]; TEN_TO_THE[i] = (previous << 1LL) + (previous << 3LL); } } typedef struct _NumberConverter { int setCount; // number of times u and k have been gotten int getCount; // number of times u and k have been set int32_t uArray[64]; int firstK; } NumberConverter; void initialize_NumberConverter(NumberConverter *ncp) { memset(ncp->uArray, 0, sizeof(ncp->uArray)); ncp->setCount = 0; ncp->getCount = 0; ncp->firstK = 0; if (did_fill_TEN_TO_THE++ == 0) { /* DANGER: NOT THREAD SAFE */ fill_TEN_TO_THE(); } } static void bigIntDigitGeneratorInstImpl(NumberConverter *ncp, jlong f, jint e, jboolean isDenormalized, jboolean mantissaIsZero, jint p); static void longDigitGenerator(NumberConverter *ncp, int64_t f, int e, boolean isDenormalized, boolean mantissaIsZero, int p); static void freeFormatExponential(NumberConverter *ncp, char *buf, int buf_len); static void freeFormat(NumberConverter *ncp, char *buf, int buf_len); static void convertD(NumberConverter *ncp, double inputNumber, char *buf, int buf_len) { int p = 1023 + 52; // the power offset (precision) int64_t signMask = 0x8000000000000000LL; // the mask to get the sign of // the number int64_t eMask = 0x7FF0000000000000LL; // the mask to get the power bits int64_t fMask = 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFLL; // the mask to get the significand // bits // int64_t inputNumberBits = doubleToLongBits(inputNumber); int64_t inputNumberBits = *(int64_t *)&inputNumber; // the value of the sign... 0 is positive, ~0 is negative // const char *signString = (inputNumberBits & signMask) == 0 ? "" : "-"; boolean is_negative = 0; if (inputNumberBits & signMask) { is_negative = 1; *buf++ = '-'; buf_len -= 1; } *buf = 0; // the value of the 'power bits' of the inputNumber int e = (int) ((inputNumberBits & eMask) >> 52); // the value of the 'significand bits' of the inputNumber int64_t f = inputNumberBits & fMask; boolean mantissaIsZero = f == 0; int pow = 0, numBits = 52; if (e == 2047) { if (mantissaIsZero) { strcpy(buf, "Infinity"); } else { if (is_negative) { buf--; buf_len++; } strcpy(buf, "NaN"); } return; } if (e == 0) { if (mantissaIsZero) { *buf++ = '0'; *buf++ = '.'; *buf++ = '0'; *buf = 0; return; } if (f == 1) { // special case to increase precision even though 2 * // Double.MIN_VALUE is 1.0e-323 strcpy(buf, "4.9E-324"); //return signString + "4.9E-324"; return; } pow = 1 - p; // a denormalized number int64_t ff = f; while ((ff & 0x0010000000000000L) == 0) { ff = ff << 1; numBits--; } } else { // 0 < e < 2047 // a "normalized" number f = f | 0x0010000000000000L; pow = e - p; } if ((-59 < pow && pow < 6) || (pow == -59 && !mantissaIsZero)) { longDigitGenerator(ncp, f, pow, e == 0, mantissaIsZero, numBits); } else { // bigIntDigitGenerator // Java_org_apache_harmony_luni_util_NumberConverter_bigIntDigitGeneratorInstImpl bigIntDigitGeneratorInstImpl(ncp, f, pow, e == 0, mantissaIsZero, numBits); } if (inputNumber >= 1e7D || inputNumber <= -1e7D || (inputNumber > -1e-3D && inputNumber < 1e-3D)) { freeFormatExponential(ncp, buf, buf_len); return; } freeFormat(ncp, buf, buf_len); return; } static void convertF(NumberConverter *ncp, float inputNumber, char *buf, int buf_len) { int p = 127 + 23; // the power offset (precision) int signMask = 0x80000000; // the mask to get the sign of the number int eMask = 0x7F800000; // the mask to get the power bits int fMask = 0x007FFFFF; // the mask to get the significand bits int inputNumberBits = *(int32_t *)&inputNumber; // the value of the sign... 0 is positive, ~0 is negative boolean is_negative = 0; if (inputNumberBits & signMask) { is_negative = 1; *buf++ = '-'; buf_len -= 1; } *buf = 0; // the value of the 'power bits' of the inputNumber int e = (inputNumberBits & eMask) >> 23; // the value of the 'significand bits' of the inputNumber int f = inputNumberBits & fMask; boolean mantissaIsZero = f == 0; int pow = 0, numBits = 23; if (e == 255) { if (mantissaIsZero) { strcpy(buf, "Infinity"); } else { if (is_negative) { buf--; buf_len++; } strcpy(buf, "NaN"); } return; } if (e == 0) { if (mantissaIsZero) { *buf++ = '0'; *buf++ = '.'; *buf++ = '0'; *buf = 0; return; } pow = 1 - p; // a denormalized number if (f < 8) { // want more precision with smallest values f = f << 2; pow -= 2; } int ff = f; while ((ff & 0x00800000) == 0) { ff = ff << 1; numBits--; } } else { // 0 < e < 255 // a "normalized" number f = f | 0x00800000; pow = e - p; } if ((-59 < pow && pow < 35) || (pow == -59 && !mantissaIsZero)) { longDigitGenerator(ncp, f, pow, e == 0, mantissaIsZero, numBits); } else { bigIntDigitGeneratorInstImpl(ncp, f, pow, e == 0, mantissaIsZero, numBits); } if (inputNumber >= 1e7f || inputNumber <= -1e7f || (inputNumber > -1e-3f && inputNumber < 1e-3f)) { freeFormatExponential(ncp, buf, buf_len); return; } freeFormat(ncp, buf, buf_len); return; } static void freeFormatExponential(NumberConverter *ncp, char *buf, int buf_len) { // corresponds to process "Free-Format Exponential" char formattedDecimal[25]; formattedDecimal[0] = (char) ('0' + ncp->uArray[ncp->getCount++]); formattedDecimal[1] = '.'; // the position the next character is to be inserted into // formattedDecimal int charPos = 2; int k = ncp->firstK; int expt = k; while (true) { k--; if (ncp->getCount >= ncp->setCount) { break; } formattedDecimal[charPos++] = (char) ('0' + ncp->uArray[ncp->getCount++]); } if (k == expt - 1){ formattedDecimal[charPos++] = '0'; } formattedDecimal[charPos++] = 'E'; { char expt_buf[BUFSIZ]; snprintf(expt_buf, sizeof(expt_buf), "%d", expt); strncpy(buf, formattedDecimal, charPos); buf[charPos] = 0; strcat(buf, expt_buf); return; } } static void freeFormat(NumberConverter *ncp, char *buf, int buf_len) { // corresponds to process "Free-Format" char formattedDecimal[25]; // the position the next character is to be inserted into // formattedDecimal int charPos = 0; int k = ncp->firstK; if (k < 0) { int i; formattedDecimal[0] = '0'; formattedDecimal[1] = '.'; charPos += 2; for (i = k + 1; i < 0; i++) { formattedDecimal[charPos++] = '0'; } } int U = ncp->uArray[ncp->getCount++]; do { if (U != -1) { formattedDecimal[charPos++] = (char) ('0' + U); } else if (k >= -1) { formattedDecimal[charPos++] = '0'; } if (k == 0) { formattedDecimal[charPos++] = '.'; } k--; U = ncp->getCount < ncp->setCount ? ncp->uArray[ncp->getCount++] : -1; } while (U != -1 || k >= -1); strncpy(buf, formattedDecimal, charPos); buf[charPos] = 0; return; } static void longDigitGenerator(NumberConverter *ncp, int64_t f, int e, boolean isDenormalized, boolean mantissaIsZero, int p) { int64_t R, S, M; if (e >= 0) { M = 1LL << e; if (!mantissaIsZero) { R = f << (e + 1); S = 2; } else { R = f << (e + 2); S = 4; } } else { M = 1; if (isDenormalized || !mantissaIsZero) { R = f << 1; S = 1LL << (1 - e); } else { R = f << 2; S = 1LL << (2 - e); } } int k = (int) /*Math.*/ceil((e + p - 1) * invLogOfTenBaseTwo - 1e-10); if (k > 0) { S = S * TEN_TO_THE[k]; } else if (k < 0) { int64_t scale = TEN_TO_THE[-k]; R = R * scale; M = M == 1 ? scale : M * scale; } if (R + M > S) { // was M_plus ncp->firstK = k; } else { ncp->firstK = k - 1; R = R * 10; M = M * 10; } ncp->getCount = ncp->setCount = 0; // reset indices boolean low, high; int U; int64_t Si[4] = { S, S << 1, S << 2, S << 3 }; while (true) { int i; int64_t remainder; // set U to be floor (R / S) and R to be the remainder // using a kind of "binary search" to find the answer. // It's a lot quicker than actually dividing since we know // the answer will be between 0 and 10 U = 0; for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { remainder = R - Si[i]; // fprintf(stdout, "S=%lld i=%d R=%lld Si=%lld remainder=%lld U=%d\n", S, i, R, Si[i], remainder, U); if (remainder >= 0) { R = remainder; U += (1 << i); } } low = R < M; // was M_minus high = R + M > S; // was M_plus if (low || high) { break; } R = R * 10; M = M * 10; ncp->uArray[ncp->setCount++] = U; } if (low && !high) { ncp->uArray[ncp->setCount++] = U; } else if (high && !low) { ncp->uArray[ncp->setCount++] = U + 1; } else if ((R << 1) < S) { ncp->uArray[ncp->setCount++] = U; } else { ncp->uArray[ncp->setCount++] = U + 1; } } void convert_double(double input, char *buf, int buf_len) { NumberConverter nc; initialize_NumberConverter(&nc); convertD(&nc, input, buf, buf_len); } void convert_float(float input, char *buf, int buf_len) { NumberConverter nc; initialize_NumberConverter(&nc); convertF(&nc, input, buf, buf_len); } /* cbigint.c { */ /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include // typedef int64_t I_64; // typedef uint64_t U_64; typedef int32_t I_32; typedef uint32_t U_32; /* cbigint.h { */ /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #if !defined(cbigint_h) #define cbigint_h /* fltconst.h { */ /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #if !defined(fltconst_h) #define fltconst_h /* hycomp.h { */ /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #if !defined(hycomp_h) #define hycomp_h #if !defined(LINUX) #define LINUX 1 #endif /** * USE_PROTOTYPES: Use full ANSI prototypes. * * CLOCK_PRIMS: We want the timer/clock prims to be used * * LITTLE_ENDIAN: This is for the intel machines or other * little endian processors. Defaults to big endian. * * NO_LVALUE_CASTING: This is for compilers that don't like the left side * of assigns to be cast. It hacks around to do the * right thing. * * ATOMIC_FLOAT_ACCESS: So that float operations will work. * * LINKED_USER_PRIMITIVES: Indicates that user primitives are statically linked * with the VM executeable. * * OLD_SPACE_SIZE_DIFF: The 68k uses a different amount of old space. * This "legitimizes" the change. * * SIMPLE_SIGNAL: For machines that don't use real signals in C. * (eg: PC, 68k) * * OS_NAME_LOOKUP: Use nlist to lookup user primitive addresses. * * VMCALL: Tag for all functions called by the VM. * * VMAPICALL: Tag for all functions called via the PlatformFunction * callWith: mechanism. * * SYS_FLOAT: For some math functions where extended types (80 or 96 bits) are returned * Most platforms return as a double * * FLOAT_EXTENDED: If defined, the type name for extended precision floats. * * PLATFORM_IS_ASCII: Must be defined if the platform is ASCII * * EXE_EXTENSION_CHAR: the executable has a delimiter that we want to stop at as part of argv[0]. */ /** * By default order doubles in the native (that is big/little endian) ordering. */ #define HY_PLATFORM_DOUBLE_ORDER /** * Define common types: *
  • U_32 / I_32 - unsigned/signed 32 bits
  • *
  • U_16 / I_16 - unsigned/signed 16 bits
  • *
  • U_8 / I_8 - unsigned/signed 8 bits (bytes -- not to be * confused with char)
  • *
*/ typedef int I_32; typedef short I_16; typedef signed char I_8; /* chars can be unsigned */ typedef unsigned int U_32; typedef unsigned short U_16; typedef unsigned char U_8; /** * Define platform specific types: *
  • U_64 / I_64 - unsigned/signed 64 bits
  • *
*/ #if defined(LINUX) || defined(FREEBSD) || defined(AIX) #define DATA_TYPES_DEFINED /* NOTE: Linux supports different processors -- do not assume 386 */ #if defined(HYX86_64) || defined(HYIA64) || defined(HYPPC64) || defined(HYS390X) typedef unsigned long int U_64; /* 64bits */ typedef long int I_64; #define TOC_UNWRAP_ADDRESS(wrappedPointer) ((void *) (wrappedPointer)[0]) #define TOC_STORE_TOC(dest,wrappedPointer) (dest = ((UDATA*)wrappedPointer)[1]) #define HY_WORD64 #else typedef unsigned long long U_64; typedef long long I_64; #endif #if defined(HYS390X) || defined(HYS390) || defined(HYPPC64) || defined(HYPPC32) #define HY_BIG_ENDIAN #else #define HY_LITTLE_ENDIAN #endif #if defined(HYPPC32) #define VA_PTR(valist) (&valist[0]) #endif typedef double SYS_FLOAT; #define HYCONST64(x) x##LL #define NO_LVALUE_CASTING #define FLOAT_EXTENDED long double #define PLATFORM_IS_ASCII #define PLATFORM_LINE_DELIMITER "\012" #define DIR_SEPARATOR '/' #define DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "/" /** * No priorities on Linux */ #define HY_PRIORITY_MAP {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} typedef U_32 BOOLEAN; #endif /* Win32 - Windows 3.1 & NT using Win32 */ #if defined(WIN32) #define HY_LITTLE_ENDIAN /* Define 64-bit integers for Windows */ typedef __int64 I_64; typedef unsigned __int64 U_64; typedef double SYS_FLOAT; #define NO_LVALUE_CASTING #define VMAPICALL _stdcall #define VMCALL _cdecl #define EXE_EXTENSION_CHAR '.' #define DIR_SEPARATOR '\\' #define DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "\\" /* Modifications for the Alpha running WIN-NT */ #if defined(_ALPHA_) #undef small /* defined as char in rpcndr.h */ typedef double FLOAT_EXTENDED; #endif #define HY_PRIORITY_MAP { \ THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE, /* 0 */\ THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST, /* 1 */\ THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL, /* 2 */\ THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL, /* 3 */\ THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL, /* 4 */\ THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, /* 5 */\ THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL, /* 6 */\ THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL, /* 7 */\ THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL, /* 8 */\ THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL, /* 9 */\ THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, /*10 */\ THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL /*11 */} #endif /* defined(WIN32) */ #if !defined(VMCALL) #define VMCALL #define VMAPICALL #endif #define PVMCALL VMCALL * #define GLOBAL_DATA(symbol) ((void*)&(symbol)) #define GLOBAL_TABLE(symbol) GLOBAL_DATA(symbol) /** * Define platform specific types: *
  • UDATA - unsigned data, can be used as an integer or * pointer storage
  • *
  • IDATA - signed data, can be used as an integer or * pointer storage
  • *
*/ /* FIXME: POINTER64 */ #if defined(HYX86_64) || defined(HYIA64) || defined(HYPPC64) || defined(HYS390X) || defined(POINTER64) typedef I_64 IDATA; typedef U_64 UDATA; #else /* this is default for non-64bit systems */ typedef I_32 IDATA; typedef U_32 UDATA; #endif /* defined(HYX86_64) */ #if !defined(DATA_TYPES_DEFINED) /* no generic U_64 or I_64 */ /* don't typedef BOOLEAN since it's already def'ed on Win32 */ #define BOOLEAN UDATA #ifndef HY_BIG_ENDIAN #define HY_LITTLE_ENDIAN #endif #endif #if !defined(HYCONST64) #define HYCONST64(x) x##L #endif #if !defined(HY_DEFAULT_SCHED) /** * By default, pthreads platforms use the SCHED_OTHER thread * scheduling policy. */ #define HY_DEFAULT_SCHED SCHED_OTHER #endif #if !defined(HY_PRIORITY_MAP) /** * If no priority map if provided, priorities will be determined * algorithmically. */ #endif #if !defined(FALSE) #define FALSE ((BOOLEAN) 0) #if !defined(TRUE) #define TRUE ((BOOLEAN) (!FALSE)) #endif #endif #if !defined(NULL) #if defined(__cplusplus) #define NULL (0) #else #define NULL ((void *)0) #endif #endif #define USE_PROTOTYPES #if defined(USE_PROTOTYPES) #define PROTOTYPE(x) x #define VARARGS , ... #else #define PROTOTYPE(x) () #define VARARGS #endif /** * Assign the default line delimiter, if it was not set. */ #if !defined(PLATFORM_LINE_DELIMITER) #define PLATFORM_LINE_DELIMITER "\015\012" #endif /** * Set the max path length, if it was not set. */ #if !defined(MAX_IMAGE_PATH_LENGTH) #define MAX_IMAGE_PATH_LENGTH (2048) #endif typedef double ESDOUBLE; typedef float ESSINGLE; /** * Helpers for U_64s. */ #define CLEAR_U64(u64) (u64 = (U_64)0) #define LOW_LONG(l) (*((U_32 *) &(l))) #define HIGH_LONG(l) (*(((U_32 *) &(l)) + 1)) #define I8(x) ((I_8) (x)) #define I8P(x) ((I_8 *) (x)) #define U16(x) ((U_16) (x)) #define I16(x) ((I_16) (x)) #define I16P(x) ((I_16 *) (x)) #define U32(x) ((U_32) (x)) #define I32(x) ((I_32) (x)) #define I32P(x) ((I_32 *) (x)) #define U16P(x) ((U_16 *) (x)) #define U32P(x) ((U_32 *) (x)) #define OBJP(x) ((HyObject *) (x)) #define OBJPP(x) ((HyObject **) (x)) #define OBJPPP(x) ((HyObject ***) (x)) #define CLASSP(x) ((Class *) (x)) #define CLASSPP(x) ((Class **) (x)) #define BYTEP(x) ((BYTE *) (x)) /** * Test - was conflicting with OS2.h */ #define ESCHAR(x) ((CHARACTER) (x)) #define FLT(x) ((FLOAT) x) #define FLTP(x) ((FLOAT *) (x)) #if defined(NO_LVALUE_CASTING) #define LI8(x) (*((I_8 *) &(x))) #define LI8P(x) (*((I_8 **) &(x))) #define LU16(x) (*((U_16 *) &(x))) #define LI16(x) (*((I_16 *) &(x))) #define LU32(x) (*((U_32 *) &(x))) #define LI32(x) (*((I_32 *) &(x))) #define LI32P(x) (*((I_32 **) &(x))) #define LU16P(x) (*((U_16 **) &(x))) #define LU32P(x) (*((U_32 **) &(x))) #define LOBJP(x) (*((HyObject **) &(x))) #define LOBJPP(x) (*((HyObject ***) &(x))) #define LOBJPPP(x) (*((HyObject ****) &(x)) #define LCLASSP(x) (*((Class **) &(x))) #define LBYTEP(x) (*((BYTE **) &(x))) #define LCHAR(x) (*((CHARACTER) &(x))) #define LFLT(x) (*((FLOAT) &x)) #define LFLTP(x) (*((FLOAT *) &(x))) #else #define LI8(x) I8((x)) #define LI8P(x) I8P((x)) #define LU16(x) U16((x)) #define LI16(x) I16((x)) #define LU32(x) U32((x)) #define LI32(x) I32((x)) #define LI32P(x) I32P((x)) #define LU16P(x) U16P((x)) #define LU32P(x) U32P((x)) #define LOBJP(x) OBJP((x)) #define LOBJPP(x) OBJPP((x)) #define LOBJPPP(x) OBJPPP((x)) #define LIOBJP(x) IOBJP((x)) #define LCLASSP(x) CLASSP((x)) #define LBYTEP(x) BYTEP((x)) #define LCHAR(x) CHAR((x)) #define LFLT(x) FLT((x)) #define LFLTP(x) FLTP((x)) #endif /** * Macros for converting between words and longs and accessing bits. */ #define HIGH_WORD(x) U16(U32((x)) >> 16) #define LOW_WORD(x) U16(U32((x)) & 0xFFFF) #define LOW_BIT(o) (U32((o)) & 1) #define LOW_2_BITS(o) (U32((o)) & 3) #define LOW_3_BITS(o) (U32((o)) & 7) #define LOW_4_BITS(o) (U32((o)) & 15) #define MAKE_32(h, l) ((U32((h)) << 16) | U32((l))) #define MAKE_64(h, l) ((((I_64)(h)) << 32) | (l)) #if defined(__cplusplus) #define HY_CFUNC "C" #define HY_CDATA "C" #else #define HY_CFUNC #define HY_CDATA #endif /** * Macros for tagging functions which read/write the vm thread. */ #define READSVMTHREAD #define WRITESVMTHREAD #define REQUIRESSTACKFRAME /** * Macro for tagging functions, which never return. */ #if defined(__GNUC__) /** * On GCC, we can actually pass this information on to the compiler. */ #define NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn)) #else #define NORETURN #endif /** * On some systems va_list is an array type. This is probably in * violation of the ANSI C spec, but it's not entirely clear. Because of * this, we end up with an undesired extra level of indirection if we take * the address of a va_list argument. * * To get it right, always use the VA_PTR macro */ #if !defined(VA_PTR) #define VA_PTR(valist) (&valist) #endif #if !defined(TOC_UNWRAP_ADDRESS) #define TOC_UNWRAP_ADDRESS(wrappedPointer) (wrappedPointer) #endif #if !defined(TOC_STORE_TOC) #define TOC_STORE_TOC(dest,wrappedPointer) #endif /** * Macros for accessing I_64 values. */ #if defined(ATOMIC_LONG_ACCESS) #define PTR_LONG_STORE(dstPtr, aLongPtr) ((*U32P(dstPtr) = *U32P(aLongPtr)), (*(U32P(dstPtr)+1) = *(U32P(aLongPtr)+1))) #define PTR_LONG_VALUE(dstPtr, aLongPtr) ((*U32P(aLongPtr) = *U32P(dstPtr)), (*(U32P(aLongPtr)+1) = *(U32P(dstPtr)+1))) #else #define PTR_LONG_STORE(dstPtr, aLongPtr) (*(dstPtr) = *(aLongPtr)) #define PTR_LONG_VALUE(dstPtr, aLongPtr) (*(aLongPtr) = *(dstPtr)) #endif /** * Macro used when declaring tables which require relocations. */ #if !defined(HYCONST_TABLE) #define HYCONST_TABLE const #endif /** * ANSI qsort is not always available. */ #if !defined(HY_SORT) #define HY_SORT(base, nmemb, size, compare) qsort((base), (nmemb), (size), (compare)) #endif #endif /* hycomp_h */ /* hycomp.h } */ /* IEEE floats consist of: sign bit, exponent field, significand field single: 31 = sign bit, 30..23 = exponent (8 bits), 22..0 = significand (23 bits) double: 63 = sign bit, 62..52 = exponent (11 bits), 51..0 = significand (52 bits) inf == (all exponent bits set) and (all mantissa bits clear) nan == (all exponent bits set) and (at least one mantissa bit set) finite == (at least one exponent bit clear) zero == (all exponent bits clear) and (all mantissa bits clear) denormal == (all exponent bits clear) and (at least one mantissa bit set) positive == sign bit clear negative == sign bit set */ #define MAX_U32_DOUBLE (ESDOUBLE) (4294967296.0) /* 2^32 */ #define MAX_U32_SINGLE (ESSINGLE) (4294967296.0) /* 2^32 */ #define HY_POS_PI (ESDOUBLE) (3.141592653589793) #ifdef HY_LITTLE_ENDIAN #ifdef HY_PLATFORM_DOUBLE_ORDER #define DOUBLE_LO_OFFSET 0 #define DOUBLE_HI_OFFSET 1 #else #define DOUBLE_LO_OFFSET 1 #define DOUBLE_HI_OFFSET 0 #endif #define LONG_LO_OFFSET 0 #define LONG_HI_OFFSET 1 #else #ifdef HY_PLATFORM_DOUBLE_ORDER #define DOUBLE_LO_OFFSET 1 #define DOUBLE_HI_OFFSET 0 #else #define DOUBLE_LO_OFFSET 0 #define DOUBLE_HI_OFFSET 1 #endif #define LONG_LO_OFFSET 1 #define LONG_HI_OFFSET 0 #endif #define RETURN_FINITE 0 #define RETURN_NAN 1 #define RETURN_POS_INF 2 #define RETURN_NEG_INF 3 #define DOUBLE_SIGN_MASK_HI 0x80000000 #define DOUBLE_EXPONENT_MASK_HI 0x7FF00000 #define DOUBLE_MANTISSA_MASK_LO 0xFFFFFFFF #define DOUBLE_MANTISSA_MASK_HI 0x000FFFFF #define SINGLE_SIGN_MASK 0x80000000 #define SINGLE_EXPONENT_MASK 0x7F800000 #define SINGLE_MANTISSA_MASK 0x007FFFFF #define SINGLE_NAN_BITS (SINGLE_EXPONENT_MASK | 0x00400000) typedef union u64u32dbl_tag { U_64 u64val; U_32 u32val[2]; I_32 i32val[2]; double dval; } U64U32DBL; /* Replace P_FLOAT_HI and P_FLOAT_LOW */ /* These macros are used to access the high and low 32-bit parts of a double (64-bit) value. */ #define LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) (((U64U32DBL *)(dblptr))->u32val[DOUBLE_LO_OFFSET]) #define HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) (((U64U32DBL *)(dblptr))->u32val[DOUBLE_HI_OFFSET]) #define LOW_I32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) (((U64U32DBL *)(dblptr))->i32val[DOUBLE_LO_OFFSET]) #define HIGH_I32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) (((U64U32DBL *)(dblptr))->i32val[DOUBLE_HI_OFFSET]) #define LOW_U32_FROM_DBL(dbl) LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(&(dbl)) #define HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL(dbl) HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(&(dbl)) #define LOW_I32_FROM_DBL(dbl) LOW_I32_FROM_DBL_PTR(&(dbl)) #define HIGH_I32_FROM_DBL(dbl) HIGH_I32_FROM_DBL_PTR(&(dbl)) #define LOW_U32_FROM_LONG64_PTR(long64ptr) (((U64U32DBL *)(long64ptr))->u32val[LONG_LO_OFFSET]) #define HIGH_U32_FROM_LONG64_PTR(long64ptr) (((U64U32DBL *)(long64ptr))->u32val[LONG_HI_OFFSET]) #define LOW_I32_FROM_LONG64_PTR(long64ptr) (((U64U32DBL *)(long64ptr))->i32val[LONG_LO_OFFSET]) #define HIGH_I32_FROM_LONG64_PTR(long64ptr) (((U64U32DBL *)(long64ptr))->i32val[LONG_HI_OFFSET]) #define LOW_U32_FROM_LONG64(long64) LOW_U32_FROM_LONG64_PTR(&(long64)) #define HIGH_U32_FROM_LONG64(long64) HIGH_U32_FROM_LONG64_PTR(&(long64)) #define LOW_I32_FROM_LONG64(long64) LOW_I32_FROM_LONG64_PTR(&(long64)) #define HIGH_I32_FROM_LONG64(long64) HIGH_I32_FROM_LONG64_PTR(&(long64)) #define IS_ZERO_DBL_PTR(dblptr) ((LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) == 0) && ((HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) == 0) || (HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) == DOUBLE_SIGN_MASK_HI))) #define IS_ONE_DBL_PTR(dblptr) ((HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) == 0x3ff00000 || HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) == 0xbff00000) && (LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) == 0)) #define IS_NAN_DBL_PTR(dblptr) (((HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) & DOUBLE_EXPONENT_MASK_HI) == DOUBLE_EXPONENT_MASK_HI) && (LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) | (HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) & DOUBLE_MANTISSA_MASK_HI))) #define IS_INF_DBL_PTR(dblptr) (((HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) & (DOUBLE_EXPONENT_MASK_HI|DOUBLE_MANTISSA_MASK_HI)) == DOUBLE_EXPONENT_MASK_HI) && (LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) == 0)) #define IS_DENORMAL_DBL_PTR(dblptr) (((HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) & DOUBLE_EXPONENT_MASK_HI) == 0) && ((HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) & DOUBLE_MANTISSA_MASK_HI) != 0 || (LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) != 0))) #define IS_FINITE_DBL_PTR(dblptr) ((HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) & DOUBLE_EXPONENT_MASK_HI) < DOUBLE_EXPONENT_MASK_HI) #define IS_POSITIVE_DBL_PTR(dblptr) ((HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) & DOUBLE_SIGN_MASK_HI) == 0) #define IS_NEGATIVE_DBL_PTR(dblptr) ((HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) & DOUBLE_SIGN_MASK_HI) != 0) #define IS_NEGATIVE_MAX_DBL_PTR(dblptr) ((HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) == 0xFFEFFFFF) && (LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) == 0xFFFFFFFF)) #define IS_ZERO_DBL(dbl) IS_ZERO_DBL_PTR(&(dbl)) #define IS_ONE_DBL(dbl) IS_ONE_DBL_PTR(&(dbl)) #define IS_NAN_DBL(dbl) IS_NAN_DBL_PTR(&(dbl)) #define IS_INF_DBL(dbl) IS_INF_DBL_PTR(&(dbl)) #define IS_DENORMAL_DBL(dbl) IS_DENORMAL_DBL_PTR(&(dbl)) #define IS_FINITE_DBL(dbl) IS_FINITE_DBL_PTR(&(dbl)) #define IS_POSITIVE_DBL(dbl) IS_POSITIVE_DBL_PTR(&(dbl)) #define IS_NEGATIVE_DBL(dbl) IS_NEGATIVE_DBL_PTR(&(dbl)) #define IS_NEGATIVE_MAX_DBL(dbl) IS_NEGATIVE_MAX_DBL_PTR(&(dbl)) #define IS_ZERO_SNGL_PTR(fltptr) ((*U32P((fltptr)) & (U_32)~SINGLE_SIGN_MASK) == (U_32)0) #define IS_ONE_SNGL_PTR(fltptr) ((*U32P((fltptr)) == 0x3f800000) || (*U32P((fltptr)) == 0xbf800000)) #define IS_NAN_SNGL_PTR(fltptr) ((*U32P((fltptr)) & (U_32)~SINGLE_SIGN_MASK) > (U_32)SINGLE_EXPONENT_MASK) #define IS_INF_SNGL_PTR(fltptr) ((*U32P((fltptr)) & (U_32)~SINGLE_SIGN_MASK) == (U_32)SINGLE_EXPONENT_MASK) #define IS_DENORMAL_SNGL_PTR(fltptr) (((*U32P((fltptr)) & (U_32)~SINGLE_SIGN_MASK)-(U_32)1) < (U_32)SINGLE_MANTISSA_MASK) #define IS_FINITE_SNGL_PTR(fltptr) ((*U32P((fltptr)) & (U_32)~SINGLE_SIGN_MASK) < (U_32)SINGLE_EXPONENT_MASK) #define IS_POSITIVE_SNGL_PTR(fltptr) ((*U32P((fltptr)) & (U_32)SINGLE_SIGN_MASK) == (U_32)0) #define IS_NEGATIVE_SNGL_PTR(fltptr) ((*U32P((fltptr)) & (U_32)SINGLE_SIGN_MASK) != (U_32)0) #define IS_ZERO_SNGL(flt) IS_ZERO_SNGL_PTR(&(flt)) #define IS_ONE_SNGL(flt) IS_ONE_SNGL_PTR(&(flt)) #define IS_NAN_SNGL(flt) IS_NAN_SNGL_PTR(&(flt)) #define IS_INF_SNGL(flt) IS_INF_SNGL_PTR(&(flt)) #define IS_DENORMAL_SNGL(flt) IS_DENORMAL_SNGL_PTR(&(flt)) #define IS_FINITE_SNGL(flt) IS_FINITE_SNGL_PTR(&(flt)) #define IS_POSITIVE_SNGL(flt) IS_POSITIVE_SNGL_PTR(&(flt)) #define IS_NEGATIVE_SNGL(flt) IS_NEGATIVE_SNGL_PTR(&(flt)) #define SET_NAN_DBL_PTR(dblptr) HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) = (DOUBLE_EXPONENT_MASK_HI | 0x00080000); LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) = 0 #define SET_PZERO_DBL_PTR(dblptr) HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) = 0; LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) = 0 #define SET_NZERO_DBL_PTR(dblptr) HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) = DOUBLE_SIGN_MASK_HI; LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) = 0 #define SET_PINF_DBL_PTR(dblptr) HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) = DOUBLE_EXPONENT_MASK_HI; LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) = 0 #define SET_NINF_DBL_PTR(dblptr) HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) = (DOUBLE_EXPONENT_MASK_HI | DOUBLE_SIGN_MASK_HI); LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) = 0 #define SET_NAN_SNGL_PTR(fltptr) *U32P((fltptr)) = ((U_32)SINGLE_NAN_BITS) #define SET_PZERO_SNGL_PTR(fltptr) *U32P((fltptr)) = 0 #define SET_NZERO_SNGL_PTR(fltptr) *U32P((fltptr)) = SINGLE_SIGN_MASK #define SET_PINF_SNGL_PTR(fltptr) *U32P((fltptr)) = SINGLE_EXPONENT_MASK #define SET_NINF_SNGL_PTR(fltptr) *U32P((fltptr)) = (SINGLE_EXPONENT_MASK | SINGLE_SIGN_MASK) /* on some platforms (HP720) we cannot reference an unaligned float. Build them by hand, one U_32 at a time. */ #if defined(ATOMIC_FLOAT_ACCESS) #define PTR_DOUBLE_STORE(dstPtr, aDoublePtr) HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dstPtr) = HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(aDoublePtr); LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dstPtr) = LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(aDoublePtr) #define PTR_DOUBLE_VALUE(dstPtr, aDoublePtr) HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(aDoublePtr) = HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dstPtr); LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(aDoublePtr) = LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dstPtr) #else #define PTR_DOUBLE_STORE(dstPtr, aDoublePtr) (*(dstPtr) = *(aDoublePtr)) #define PTR_DOUBLE_VALUE(dstPtr, aDoublePtr) (*(aDoublePtr) = *(dstPtr)) #endif #define STORE_LONG(dstPtr, hi, lo) HIGH_U32_FROM_LONG64_PTR(dstPtr) = (hi); LOW_U32_FROM_LONG64_PTR(dstPtr) = (lo) #define PTR_SINGLE_VALUE(dstPtr, aSinglePtr) (*U32P(aSinglePtr) = *U32P(dstPtr)) #define PTR_SINGLE_STORE(dstPtr, aSinglePtr) *((U_32 *)(dstPtr)) = (*U32P(aSinglePtr)) #endif /* fltconst_h */ /* fltconst.h } */ #define LOW_U32_FROM_VAR(u64) LOW_U32_FROM_LONG64(u64) #define LOW_U32_FROM_PTR(u64ptr) LOW_U32_FROM_LONG64_PTR(u64ptr) #define HIGH_U32_FROM_VAR(u64) HIGH_U32_FROM_LONG64(u64) #define HIGH_U32_FROM_PTR(u64ptr) HIGH_U32_FROM_LONG64_PTR(u64ptr) #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif void multiplyHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length1, U_64 * arg2, IDATA length2, U_64 * result, IDATA length); U_32 simpleAppendDecimalDigitHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length, U_64 digit); jdouble toDoubleHighPrecision (U_64 * arg, IDATA length); IDATA tenToTheEHighPrecision (U_64 * result, IDATA length, jint e); U_64 doubleMantissa (jdouble z); IDATA compareHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length1, U_64 * arg2, IDATA length2); IDATA highestSetBitHighPrecision (U_64 * arg, IDATA length); void subtractHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length1, U_64 * arg2, IDATA length2); IDATA doubleExponent (jdouble z); U_32 simpleMultiplyHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length, U_64 arg2); IDATA addHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length1, U_64 * arg2, IDATA length2); void simpleMultiplyAddHighPrecisionBigEndianFix (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length, U_64 arg2, U_32 * result); IDATA lowestSetBit (U_64 * y); IDATA timesTenToTheEHighPrecision (U_64 * result, IDATA length, jint e); void simpleMultiplyAddHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length, U_64 arg2, U_32 * result); IDATA highestSetBit (U_64 * y); IDATA lowestSetBitHighPrecision (U_64 * arg, IDATA length); void simpleShiftLeftHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length, IDATA arg2); UDATA floatMantissa (jfloat z); U_64 simpleMultiplyHighPrecision64 (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length, U_64 arg2); IDATA simpleAddHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length, U_64 arg2); IDATA floatExponent (jfloat z); #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif /* cbigint_h */ /* cbigint.h } */ #if defined(LINUX) || defined(FREEBSD) || defined(ZOS) || defined(MACOSX) || defined(AIX) #define USE_LL #endif #ifdef HY_LITTLE_ENDIAN #define at(i) (i) #else #define at(i) ((i)^1) /* the sequence for halfAt is -1, 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8... */ /* and it should correspond to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... */ #define halfAt(i) (-((-(i)) ^ 1)) #endif #define HIGH_IN_U64(u64) ((u64) >> 32) #if defined(USE_LL) #define LOW_IN_U64(u64) ((u64) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFLL) #else #if defined(USE_L) #define LOW_IN_U64(u64) ((u64) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL) #else #define LOW_IN_U64(u64) ((u64) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF) #endif /* USE_L */ #endif /* USE_LL */ #if defined(USE_LL) #define TEN_E1 (0xALL) #define TEN_E2 (0x64LL) #define TEN_E3 (0x3E8LL) #define TEN_E4 (0x2710LL) #define TEN_E5 (0x186A0LL) #define TEN_E6 (0xF4240LL) #define TEN_E7 (0x989680LL) #define TEN_E8 (0x5F5E100LL) #define TEN_E9 (0x3B9ACA00LL) #define TEN_E19 (0x8AC7230489E80000LL) #else #if defined(USE_L) #define TEN_E1 (0xAL) #define TEN_E2 (0x64L) #define TEN_E3 (0x3E8L) #define TEN_E4 (0x2710L) #define TEN_E5 (0x186A0L) #define TEN_E6 (0xF4240L) #define TEN_E7 (0x989680L) #define TEN_E8 (0x5F5E100L) #define TEN_E9 (0x3B9ACA00L) #define TEN_E19 (0x8AC7230489E80000L) #else #define TEN_E1 (0xA) #define TEN_E2 (0x64) #define TEN_E3 (0x3E8) #define TEN_E4 (0x2710) #define TEN_E5 (0x186A0) #define TEN_E6 (0xF4240) #define TEN_E7 (0x989680) #define TEN_E8 (0x5F5E100) #define TEN_E9 (0x3B9ACA00) #define TEN_E19 (0x8AC7230489E80000) #endif /* USE_L */ #endif /* USE_LL */ #define TIMES_TEN(x) (((x) << 3) + ((x) << 1)) #define bitSection(x, mask, shift) (((x) & (mask)) >> (shift)) #define DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS(dbl) (*((U_64 *)(&dbl))) #define FLOAT_TO_INTBITS(flt) (*((U_32 *)(&flt))) #define CREATE_DOUBLE_BITS(normalizedM, e) (((normalizedM) & MANTISSA_MASK) | (((U_64)((e) + E_OFFSET)) << 52)) #if defined(USE_LL) #define MANTISSA_MASK (0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFLL) #define EXPONENT_MASK (0x7FF0000000000000LL) #define NORMAL_MASK (0x0010000000000000LL) #define SIGN_MASK (0x8000000000000000LL) #else #if defined(USE_L) #define MANTISSA_MASK (0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFL) #define EXPONENT_MASK (0x7FF0000000000000L) #define NORMAL_MASK (0x0010000000000000L) #define SIGN_MASK (0x8000000000000000L) #else #define MANTISSA_MASK (0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF) #define EXPONENT_MASK (0x7FF0000000000000) #define NORMAL_MASK (0x0010000000000000) #define SIGN_MASK (0x8000000000000000) #endif /* USE_L */ #endif /* USE_LL */ #define E_OFFSET (1075) #define FLOAT_MANTISSA_MASK (0x007FFFFF) #define FLOAT_EXPONENT_MASK (0x7F800000) #define FLOAT_NORMAL_MASK (0x00800000) #define FLOAT_E_OFFSET (150) IDATA simpleAddHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length, U_64 arg2) { /* assumes length > 0 */ IDATA index = 1; *arg1 += arg2; if (arg2 <= *arg1) return 0; else if (length == 1) return 1; while (++arg1[index] == 0 && ++index < length); return (IDATA) index == length; } IDATA addHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length1, U_64 * arg2, IDATA length2) { /* addition is limited by length of arg1 as it this function is * storing the result in arg1 */ /* fix for cc (GCC) 3.2 20020903 (Red Hat Linux 8.0 3.2-7): code generated does not * do the temp1 + temp2 + carry addition correct. carry is 64 bit because gcc has * subtle issues when you mix 64 / 32 bit maths. */ U_64 temp1, temp2, temp3; /* temporary variables to help the SH-4, and gcc */ U_64 carry; IDATA index; if (length1 == 0 || length2 == 0) { return 0; } else if (length1 < length2) { length2 = length1; } carry = 0; index = 0; do { temp1 = arg1[index]; temp2 = arg2[index]; temp3 = temp1 + temp2; arg1[index] = temp3 + carry; if (arg2[index] < arg1[index]) carry = 0; else if (arg2[index] != arg1[index]) carry = 1; } while (++index < length2); if (!carry) return 0; else if (index == length1) return 1; while (++arg1[index] == 0 && ++index < length1); return (IDATA) index == length1; } void subtractHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length1, U_64 * arg2, IDATA length2) { /* assumes arg1 > arg2 */ IDATA index; for (index = 0; index < length1; ++index) arg1[index] = ~arg1[index]; simpleAddHighPrecision (arg1, length1, 1); while (length2 > 0 && arg2[length2 - 1] == 0) --length2; addHighPrecision (arg1, length1, arg2, length2); for (index = 0; index < length1; ++index) arg1[index] = ~arg1[index]; simpleAddHighPrecision (arg1, length1, 1); } U_32 simpleMultiplyHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length, U_64 arg2) { /* assumes arg2 only holds 32 bits of information */ U_64 product; IDATA index; index = 0; product = 0; do { product = HIGH_IN_U64 (product) + arg2 * LOW_U32_FROM_PTR (arg1 + index); LOW_U32_FROM_PTR (arg1 + index) = LOW_U32_FROM_VAR (product); product = HIGH_IN_U64 (product) + arg2 * HIGH_U32_FROM_PTR (arg1 + index); HIGH_U32_FROM_PTR (arg1 + index) = LOW_U32_FROM_VAR (product); } while (++index < length); return HIGH_U32_FROM_VAR (product); } void simpleMultiplyAddHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length, U_64 arg2, U_32 * result) { /* Assumes result can hold the product and arg2 only holds 32 bits of information */ U_64 product; IDATA index, resultIndex; index = resultIndex = 0; product = 0; do { product = HIGH_IN_U64 (product) + result[at (resultIndex)] + arg2 * LOW_U32_FROM_PTR (arg1 + index); result[at (resultIndex)] = LOW_U32_FROM_VAR (product); ++resultIndex; product = HIGH_IN_U64 (product) + result[at (resultIndex)] + arg2 * HIGH_U32_FROM_PTR (arg1 + index); result[at (resultIndex)] = LOW_U32_FROM_VAR (product); ++resultIndex; } while (++index < length); result[at (resultIndex)] += HIGH_U32_FROM_VAR (product); if (result[at (resultIndex)] < HIGH_U32_FROM_VAR (product)) { /* must be careful with ++ operator and macro expansion */ ++resultIndex; while (++result[at (resultIndex)] == 0) ++resultIndex; } } void multiplyHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length1, U_64 * arg2, IDATA length2, U_64 * result, IDATA length) { /* assumes result is large enough to hold product */ U_64 *temp; U_32 *resultIn32; IDATA count, index; if (length1 < length2) { temp = arg1; arg1 = arg2; arg2 = temp; count = length1; length1 = length2; length2 = count; } memset (result, 0, sizeof (U_64) * length); /* length1 > length2 */ resultIn32 = (U_32 *) result; index = -1; for (count = 0; count < length2; ++count) { simpleMultiplyAddHighPrecision (arg1, length1, LOW_IN_U64 (arg2[count]), resultIn32 + (++index)); simpleMultiplyAddHighPrecision (arg1, length1, HIGH_IN_U64 (arg2[count]), resultIn32 + (++index)); } } U_32 simpleAppendDecimalDigitHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length, U_64 digit) { /* assumes digit is less than 32 bits */ U_64 arg; IDATA index = 0; digit <<= 32; do { arg = LOW_IN_U64 (arg1[index]); digit = HIGH_IN_U64 (digit) + TIMES_TEN (arg); LOW_U32_FROM_PTR (arg1 + index) = LOW_U32_FROM_VAR (digit); arg = HIGH_IN_U64 (arg1[index]); digit = HIGH_IN_U64 (digit) + TIMES_TEN (arg); HIGH_U32_FROM_PTR (arg1 + index) = LOW_U32_FROM_VAR (digit); } while (++index < length); return HIGH_U32_FROM_VAR (digit); } void simpleShiftLeftHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length, IDATA arg2) { /* assumes length > 0 */ IDATA index, offset; if (arg2 >= 64) { offset = arg2 >> 6; index = length; while (--index - offset >= 0) arg1[index] = arg1[index - offset]; do { arg1[index] = 0; } while (--index >= 0); arg2 &= 0x3F; } if (arg2 == 0) return; while (--length > 0) { arg1[length] = arg1[length] << arg2 | arg1[length - 1] >> (64 - arg2); } *arg1 <<= arg2; } IDATA highestSetBit (U_64 * y) { U_32 x; IDATA result; if (*y == 0) return 0; #if defined(USE_LL) if (*y & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000LL) { x = HIGH_U32_FROM_PTR (y); result = 32; } else { x = LOW_U32_FROM_PTR (y); result = 0; } #else #if defined(USE_L) if (*y & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L) { x = HIGH_U32_FROM_PTR (y); result = 32; } else { x = LOW_U32_FROM_PTR (y); result = 0; } #else if (*y & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) { x = HIGH_U32_FROM_PTR (y); result = 32; } else { x = LOW_U32_FROM_PTR (y); result = 0; } #endif /* USE_L */ #endif /* USE_LL */ if (x & 0xFFFF0000) { x = bitSection (x, 0xFFFF0000, 16); result += 16; } if (x & 0xFF00) { x = bitSection (x, 0xFF00, 8); result += 8; } if (x & 0xF0) { x = bitSection (x, 0xF0, 4); result += 4; } if (x > 0x7) return result + 4; else if (x > 0x3) return result + 3; else if (x > 0x1) return result + 2; else return result + 1; } IDATA lowestSetBit (U_64 * y) { U_32 x; IDATA result; if (*y == 0) return 0; #if defined(USE_LL) if (*y & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFLL) { x = LOW_U32_FROM_PTR (y); result = 0; } else { x = HIGH_U32_FROM_PTR (y); result = 32; } #else #if defined(USE_L) if (*y & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL) { x = LOW_U32_FROM_PTR (y); result = 0; } else { x = HIGH_U32_FROM_PTR (y); result = 32; } #else if (*y & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF) { x = LOW_U32_FROM_PTR (y); result = 0; } else { x = HIGH_U32_FROM_PTR (y); result = 32; } #endif /* USE_L */ #endif /* USE_LL */ if (!(x & 0xFFFF)) { x = bitSection (x, 0xFFFF0000, 16); result += 16; } if (!(x & 0xFF)) { x = bitSection (x, 0xFF00, 8); result += 8; } if (!(x & 0xF)) { x = bitSection (x, 0xF0, 4); result += 4; } if (x & 0x1) return result + 1; else if (x & 0x2) return result + 2; else if (x & 0x4) return result + 3; else return result + 4; } IDATA highestSetBitHighPrecision (U_64 * arg, IDATA length) { IDATA highBit; while (--length >= 0) { highBit = highestSetBit (arg + length); if (highBit) return highBit + 64 * length; } return 0; } IDATA lowestSetBitHighPrecision (U_64 * arg, IDATA length) { IDATA lowBit, index = -1; while (++index < length) { lowBit = lowestSetBit (arg + index); if (lowBit) return lowBit + 64 * index; } return 0; } IDATA compareHighPrecision (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length1, U_64 * arg2, IDATA length2) { while (--length1 >= 0 && arg1[length1] == 0); while (--length2 >= 0 && arg2[length2] == 0); if (length1 > length2) return 1; else if (length1 < length2) return -1; else if (length1 > -1) { do { if (arg1[length1] > arg2[length1]) return 1; else if (arg1[length1] < arg2[length1]) return -1; } while (--length1 >= 0); } return 0; } jdouble toDoubleHighPrecision (U_64 * arg, IDATA length) { IDATA highBit; U_64 mantissa, test64; U_32 test; jdouble result; while (length > 0 && arg[length - 1] == 0) --length; if (length == 0) result = 0.0; else if (length > 16) { DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS (result) = EXPONENT_MASK; } else if (length == 1) { highBit = highestSetBit (arg); if (highBit <= 53) { highBit = 53 - highBit; mantissa = *arg << highBit; DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS (result) = CREATE_DOUBLE_BITS (mantissa, -highBit); } else { highBit -= 53; mantissa = *arg >> highBit; DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS (result) = CREATE_DOUBLE_BITS (mantissa, highBit); /* perform rounding, round to even in case of tie */ test = (LOW_U32_FROM_PTR (arg) << (11 - highBit)) & 0x7FF; if (test > 0x400 || ((test == 0x400) && (mantissa & 1))) DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS (result) = DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS (result) + 1; } } else { highBit = highestSetBit (arg + (--length)); if (highBit <= 53) { highBit = 53 - highBit; if (highBit > 0) { mantissa = (arg[length] << highBit) | (arg[length - 1] >> (64 - highBit)); } else { mantissa = arg[length]; } DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS (result) = CREATE_DOUBLE_BITS (mantissa, length * 64 - highBit); /* perform rounding, round to even in case of tie */ test64 = arg[--length] << highBit; if (test64 > SIGN_MASK || ((test64 == SIGN_MASK) && (mantissa & 1))) DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS (result) = DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS (result) + 1; else if (test64 == SIGN_MASK) { while (--length >= 0) { if (arg[length] != 0) { DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS (result) = DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS (result) + 1; break; } } } } else { highBit -= 53; mantissa = arg[length] >> highBit; DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS (result) = CREATE_DOUBLE_BITS (mantissa, length * 64 + highBit); /* perform rounding, round to even in case of tie */ test = (LOW_U32_FROM_PTR (arg + length) << (11 - highBit)) & 0x7FF; if (test > 0x400 || ((test == 0x400) && (mantissa & 1))) DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS (result) = DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS (result) + 1; else if (test == 0x400) { do { if (arg[--length] != 0) { DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS (result) = DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS (result) + 1; break; } } while (length > 0); } } } return result; } IDATA tenToTheEHighPrecision (U_64 * result, IDATA length, jint e) { /* size test */ if (length < ((e / 19) + 1)) return 0; memset (result, 0, length * sizeof (U_64)); *result = 1; if (e == 0) return 1; length = 1; length = timesTenToTheEHighPrecision (result, length, e); /* bad O(n) way of doing it, but simple */ /* do { overflow = simpleAppendDecimalDigitHighPrecision(result, length, 0); if (overflow) result[length++] = overflow; } while (--e); */ return length; } IDATA timesTenToTheEHighPrecision (U_64 * result, IDATA length, jint e) { /* assumes result can hold value */ U_64 overflow; int exp10 = e; if (e == 0) return length; /* bad O(n) way of doing it, but simple */ /* do { overflow = simpleAppendDecimalDigitHighPrecision(result, length, 0); if (overflow) result[length++] = overflow; } while (--e); */ /* Replace the current implementaion which performs a * "multiplication" by 10 e number of times with an actual * multiplication. 10e19 is the largest exponent to the power of ten * that will fit in a 64-bit integer, and 10e9 is the largest exponent to * the power of ten that will fit in a 64-bit integer. Not sure where the * break-even point is between an actual multiplication and a * simpleAappendDecimalDigit() so just pick 10e3 as that point for * now. */ while (exp10 >= 19) { overflow = simpleMultiplyHighPrecision64 (result, length, TEN_E19); if (overflow) result[length++] = overflow; exp10 -= 19; } while (exp10 >= 9) { overflow = simpleMultiplyHighPrecision (result, length, TEN_E9); if (overflow) result[length++] = overflow; exp10 -= 9; } if (exp10 == 0) return length; else if (exp10 == 1) { overflow = simpleAppendDecimalDigitHighPrecision (result, length, 0); if (overflow) result[length++] = overflow; } else if (exp10 == 2) { overflow = simpleAppendDecimalDigitHighPrecision (result, length, 0); if (overflow) result[length++] = overflow; overflow = simpleAppendDecimalDigitHighPrecision (result, length, 0); if (overflow) result[length++] = overflow; } else if (exp10 == 3) { overflow = simpleMultiplyHighPrecision (result, length, TEN_E3); if (overflow) result[length++] = overflow; } else if (exp10 == 4) { overflow = simpleMultiplyHighPrecision (result, length, TEN_E4); if (overflow) result[length++] = overflow; } else if (exp10 == 5) { overflow = simpleMultiplyHighPrecision (result, length, TEN_E5); if (overflow) result[length++] = overflow; } else if (exp10 == 6) { overflow = simpleMultiplyHighPrecision (result, length, TEN_E6); if (overflow) result[length++] = overflow; } else if (exp10 == 7) { overflow = simpleMultiplyHighPrecision (result, length, TEN_E7); if (overflow) result[length++] = overflow; } else if (exp10 == 8) { overflow = simpleMultiplyHighPrecision (result, length, TEN_E8); if (overflow) result[length++] = overflow; } return length; } U_64 doubleMantissa (jdouble z) { U_64 m = DOUBLE_TO_LONGBITS (z); if ((m & EXPONENT_MASK) != 0) m = (m & MANTISSA_MASK) | NORMAL_MASK; else m = (m & MANTISSA_MASK); return m; } IDATA doubleExponent (jdouble z) { /* assumes positive double */ IDATA k = HIGH_U32_FROM_VAR (z) >> 20; if (k) k -= E_OFFSET; else k = 1 - E_OFFSET; return k; } UDATA floatMantissa (jfloat z) { UDATA m = (UDATA) FLOAT_TO_INTBITS (z); if ((m & FLOAT_EXPONENT_MASK) != 0) m = (m & FLOAT_MANTISSA_MASK) | FLOAT_NORMAL_MASK; else m = (m & FLOAT_MANTISSA_MASK); return m; } IDATA floatExponent (jfloat z) { /* assumes positive float */ IDATA k = FLOAT_TO_INTBITS (z) >> 23; if (k) k -= FLOAT_E_OFFSET; else k = 1 - FLOAT_E_OFFSET; return k; } /* Allow a 64-bit value in arg2 */ U_64 simpleMultiplyHighPrecision64 (U_64 * arg1, IDATA length, U_64 arg2) { U_64 intermediate, *pArg1, carry1, carry2, prod1, prod2, sum; IDATA index; U_32 buf32; index = 0; intermediate = 0; pArg1 = arg1 + index; carry1 = carry2 = 0; do { if ((*pArg1 != 0) || (intermediate != 0)) { prod1 = (U_64) LOW_U32_FROM_VAR (arg2) * (U_64) LOW_U32_FROM_PTR (pArg1); sum = intermediate + prod1; if ((sum < prod1) || (sum < intermediate)) { carry1 = 1; } else { carry1 = 0; } prod1 = (U_64) LOW_U32_FROM_VAR (arg2) * (U_64) HIGH_U32_FROM_PTR (pArg1); prod2 = (U_64) HIGH_U32_FROM_VAR (arg2) * (U_64) LOW_U32_FROM_PTR (pArg1); intermediate = carry2 + HIGH_IN_U64 (sum) + prod1 + prod2; if ((intermediate < prod1) || (intermediate < prod2)) { carry2 = 1; } else { carry2 = 0; } LOW_U32_FROM_PTR (pArg1) = LOW_U32_FROM_VAR (sum); buf32 = HIGH_U32_FROM_PTR (pArg1); HIGH_U32_FROM_PTR (pArg1) = LOW_U32_FROM_VAR (intermediate); intermediate = carry1 + HIGH_IN_U64 (intermediate) + (U_64) HIGH_U32_FROM_VAR (arg2) * (U_64) buf32; } pArg1++; } while (++index < length); return intermediate; } /* cbigint.c } */ /* org_apache_harmony_luni_util_NumberConvert.c { */ /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #if defined(LINUX) || defined(FREEBSD) #define USE_LL #endif #define INV_LOG_OF_TEN_BASE_2 (0.30102999566398114) /* Local */ #define ERROR_OCCURED(x) (HIGH_I32_FROM_VAR(x) < 0) /* Local */ /*NB the Number converter methods are synchronized so it is possible to *have global data for use by bigIntDigitGenerator */ #define RM_SIZE 21 /* Local. */ #define STemp_SIZE 22 /* Local. */ #if defined(WIN32) #pragma optimize("",on) /*restore optimizations */ #endif /* The algorithm for this particular function can be found in: * * Printing Floating-Point Numbers Quickly and Accurately, Robert * G. Burger, and R. Kent Dybvig, Programming Language Design and * Implementation (PLDI) 1996, pp.108-116. * * The previous implementation of this function combined m+ and m- into * one single M which caused some inaccuracy of the last digit. The * particular case below shows this inaccuracy: * * System.out.println(new Double((1.234123412431233E107)).toString()); * System.out.println(new Double((1.2341234124312331E107)).toString()); * System.out.println(new Double((1.2341234124312332E107)).toString()); * * outputs the following: * * 1.234123412431233E107 * 1.234123412431233E107 * 1.234123412431233E107 * * instead of: * * 1.234123412431233E107 * 1.2341234124312331E107 * 1.2341234124312331E107 * */ static void bigIntDigitGeneratorInstImpl ( NumberConverter *ncp, jlong f, jint e, jboolean isDenormalized, jboolean mantissaIsZero, jint p) { int RLength, SLength, TempLength, mplus_Length, mminus_Length; int high, low, i; jint k, firstK, U; jint getCount, setCount; jint *uArray; U_64 R[RM_SIZE], S[STemp_SIZE], mplus[RM_SIZE], mminus[RM_SIZE], Temp[STemp_SIZE]; memset (R , 0, RM_SIZE * sizeof (U_64)); memset (S , 0, STemp_SIZE * sizeof (U_64)); memset (mplus , 0, RM_SIZE * sizeof (U_64)); memset (mminus, 0, RM_SIZE * sizeof (U_64)); memset (Temp , 0, STemp_SIZE * sizeof (U_64)); if (e >= 0) { *R = f; *mplus = *mminus = 1; simpleShiftLeftHighPrecision (mminus, RM_SIZE, e); if (f != (2 << (p - 1))) { simpleShiftLeftHighPrecision (R, RM_SIZE, e + 1); *S = 2; /* * m+ = m+ << e results in 1.0e23 to be printed as * 0.9999999999999999E23 * m+ = m+ << e+1 results in 1.0e23 to be printed as * 1.0e23 (caused too much rounding) * 470fffffffffffff = 2.0769187434139308E34 * 4710000000000000 = 2.076918743413931E34 */ simpleShiftLeftHighPrecision (mplus, RM_SIZE, e); } else { simpleShiftLeftHighPrecision (R, RM_SIZE, e + 2); *S = 4; simpleShiftLeftHighPrecision (mplus, RM_SIZE, e + 1); } } else { if (isDenormalized || (f != (2 << (p - 1)))) { *R = f << 1; *S = 1; simpleShiftLeftHighPrecision (S, STemp_SIZE, 1 - e); *mplus = *mminus = 1; } else { *R = f << 2; *S = 1; simpleShiftLeftHighPrecision (S, STemp_SIZE, 2 - e); *mplus = 2; *mminus = 1; } } k = (int) ceil ((e + p - 1) * INV_LOG_OF_TEN_BASE_2 - 1e-10); if (k > 0) { timesTenToTheEHighPrecision (S, STemp_SIZE, k); } else { timesTenToTheEHighPrecision (R , RM_SIZE, -k); timesTenToTheEHighPrecision (mplus , RM_SIZE, -k); timesTenToTheEHighPrecision (mminus, RM_SIZE, -k); } RLength = mplus_Length = mminus_Length = RM_SIZE; SLength = TempLength = STemp_SIZE; memset (Temp + RM_SIZE, 0, (STemp_SIZE - RM_SIZE) * sizeof (U_64)); memcpy (Temp, R, RM_SIZE * sizeof (U_64)); while (RLength > 1 && R[RLength - 1] == 0) --RLength; while (mplus_Length > 1 && mplus[mplus_Length - 1] == 0) --mplus_Length; while (mminus_Length > 1 && mminus[mminus_Length - 1] == 0) --mminus_Length; while (SLength > 1 && S[SLength - 1] == 0) --SLength; TempLength = (RLength > mplus_Length ? RLength : mplus_Length) + 1; addHighPrecision (Temp, TempLength, mplus, mplus_Length); if (compareHighPrecision (Temp, TempLength, S, SLength) >= 0) { firstK = k; } else { firstK = k - 1; simpleAppendDecimalDigitHighPrecision (R , ++RLength , 0); simpleAppendDecimalDigitHighPrecision (mplus , ++mplus_Length , 0); simpleAppendDecimalDigitHighPrecision (mminus, ++mminus_Length, 0); while (RLength > 1 && R[RLength - 1] == 0) --RLength; while (mplus_Length > 1 && mplus[mplus_Length - 1] == 0) --mplus_Length; while (mminus_Length > 1 && mminus[mminus_Length - 1] == 0) --mminus_Length; } uArray = ncp->uArray; getCount = setCount = 0; do { U = 0; for (i = 3; i >= 0; --i) { TempLength = SLength + 1; Temp[SLength] = 0; memcpy (Temp, S, SLength * sizeof (U_64)); simpleShiftLeftHighPrecision (Temp, TempLength, i); if (compareHighPrecision (R, RLength, Temp, TempLength) >= 0) { subtractHighPrecision (R, RLength, Temp, TempLength); U += 1 << i; } } low = compareHighPrecision (R, RLength, mminus, mminus_Length) <= 0; memset (Temp + RLength, 0, (STemp_SIZE - RLength) * sizeof (U_64)); memcpy (Temp, R, RLength * sizeof (U_64)); TempLength = (RLength > mplus_Length ? RLength : mplus_Length) + 1; addHighPrecision (Temp, TempLength, mplus, mplus_Length); high = compareHighPrecision (Temp, TempLength, S, SLength) >= 0; if (low || high) break; simpleAppendDecimalDigitHighPrecision (R , ++RLength , 0); simpleAppendDecimalDigitHighPrecision (mplus , ++mplus_Length , 0); simpleAppendDecimalDigitHighPrecision (mminus, ++mminus_Length, 0); while (RLength > 1 && R[RLength - 1] == 0) --RLength; while (mplus_Length > 1 && mplus[mplus_Length - 1] == 0) --mplus_Length; while (mminus_Length > 1 && mminus[mminus_Length - 1] == 0) --mminus_Length; uArray[setCount++] = U; } while (1); simpleShiftLeftHighPrecision (R, ++RLength, 1); if (low && !high) uArray[setCount++] = U; else if (high && !low) uArray[setCount++] = U + 1; else if (compareHighPrecision (R, RLength, S, SLength) < 0) uArray[setCount++] = U; else uArray[setCount++] = U + 1; ncp->setCount = setCount; ncp->getCount = getCount; ncp->firstK = firstK; } /* org_apache_harmony_luni_util_NumberConvert.c } */