CSE 401 Winter 2013 Project Part III
Static Semantics, Type Checking & Symbol Tables

Due: Friday, March 1, by 11:59 pm. Turn in your project using the assignment drop box (see link on the course home page).


Add static semantics checking to your compiler. In particular, you should do the following:

Details and Suggestions


You should test your compiler on both correct MiniJava programs and on programs that contain various sorts of static semantics problems, including programs that are syntactically legal (i.e., accepted by the parser), but have static semantics errors.

What to Turn In

As usual, run an ant clean, then bundle up your compiler directory in a tar file and turn that in. The code should run on attu when built with ant.

Your directory should include the following, along with the code that makes up the compiler:

You and your partner should turn in only a single copy of the project using one of your UW netids. Your INFO file should include your names and UW netids so we can correctly identify everyone involved in the group and get feedback to you. Multiple turnins are fine - we'll grade the last one you give us. In particular, if you plan on adding extra features, turn in a copy of the working, basic assignment first before you add these, then turn in the enhanced code later once your additions are working.