# Sample program to demonstrate linkage between bootstrap and # generated assembler code for cse401/p501 project. HP 2/10 # # This code simulates a MiniJava "main" program and a sample # factorial function, but does not implement object creation or # ordinary methods, as would be done in the regular project. # This version works on linux. To make it work on windows the # external names (asm_main, put) would need to have leading underscores .text .globl asm_main # label for "main" program # main function - print 5, then print fact(5) asm_main: pushl %ebp # prologue - save frame ptr movl %esp,%ebp # no local vars - no additional stack pushl $5 # System.out.println(5) call put addl $4,%esp pushl $5 # System.out.println(fact(5)) call fact addl $4,%esp pushl %eax call put addl $4,%esp movl %ebp,%esp # epilogue - return popl %ebp ret # int fact(int n) - return fact(n) for n >= 1 fact: pushl %ebp # prologue movl %esp,%ebp # no local vars - no additional stack movl 8(%ebp),%eax # load n into eax cmpl $1,%eax # compare to 1 jg fact_else # jump if n > 1 movl $1,%eax # return 1 jmp fact_exit fact_else: subl $1,%eax # push n-1 pushl %eax call fact # call fact(n-1) (result in eax) addl $4,%esp # pop argument movl 8(%ebp),%edx # reload n into edx imull %edx,%eax # compute product in eax fact_exit: # return (result in eax here) movl %ebp,%esp # epilogue popl %ebp ret