Project 1: The MiniJava Scanner

Due: Friday, October 7, 12:30 pm, by email.

In this assignment you will extend the initial MiniJava scanner with the extensions described in the course project description handout.  Specifically, MiniJava's lexical structure should be extended as follows:

In this assignment, you should only extend the scanner.  You do not need to check for syntactic or typechecking errors, nor do you need to extend the parser or any other parts of the MiniJava compiler.

Do the following:

  1. Extend this specification of MiniJava's lexical structure to describe the extended language, in the same style.
  2. Extend Parser/minijava.cup and Scanner/minijava.jflex to scan the new tokens and comments. (You can follow these directions to get a copy of the initial MiniJava compiler implementation and set up your own CVS system.)
  3. Develop test cases that demonstrate that your extended scanner works, both in cases that should now be lexically legal and in cases that should still be lexically illegal. (Since the scanner quits at the first error, you'll need an illegal test case file for each illegal case you want to test.)  Depending on how you define your scanner, it may be difficult to construct cases that aren't lexically legal; instead, they might be legal, but not what was "intended".  This is OK, since later passes of the compiler will catch the error.  (Modest) EXTRA CREDIT CHALLENGE: learn and use more advanced jflex features to treat these cases as illegal.
    The SamplePrograms directory contains some files that should scan after you make your changes; some of the files should scan successfully with the initial version of the MiniJava compiler.

You can use the -scan -printTokens options to the MiniJava compiler to just run the scanning phase and print out the tokens that it scans.  See the test_scanner target in the Makefile for an example, and feel free to make your own target(s) to make running the tests you like easier and more mechanical.

Turn in the following:

  1. Your extended MiniJava lexical specification.
  2. Your modified minijava.cup and minijava.jflex files. Clearly identify your changes using comments.  Indicate whether you're tackling the extra credit challenge.
  3. Your test cases, with names of the form for test cases that should scan successfully and for test cases that should trigger lexical errors (if any can be devised).

Create a single tar or zip file containing these files, and email this file as an attachment to marius at cs by the due date.