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 CSE 401: PL/0 - Original Lexical Description
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This page formally descibes the lexical elements of the base PL/0 language, i.e., PL/0 as implemented by the base compiler distributed to you at the begining of the quarter.

Program ::= (Token | Whitespace)*
Token ::= Id | Integer | Keyword | Operator | Punctuation
Punctuation ::= ; | : | . | , | ( | )
Keyword ::= module | procedure | begin | end | const | var | int | if | then |
while | do | input | output | odd
Operator ::= := | * | / | + | - | = | <> | <= | < | >= | >
Integer ::= Digit+
Id ::= Letter AlphaNumeric*
AlphaNumeric ::= Letter | Digit
Digit ::= 0 | ... | 9
Letter ::= a | ... | z | A | ... | Z
Whitespace ::= <space> | <tab> | <newline>

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