24su ver.

Note: this is for the Summer 2024 iteration of CSE 391. Looking for a different quarter? Please visit https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse391/.

Many of the materials posted here and used in this course have been shared and refined by many other instructors and TAs in previous offerings of CSE 391. This version of the course was significantly influenced by offerings of these courses taught by Hunter Schafer, Josh Ervin, Zorah Fung, Brett Wortzman, Ryan Maas, and Ruth Anderson.

This website is generated by mkdocs. The text is set in the Inter font family by Rasmus Andersson. This quarter’s website was developed for 373 in 20su by Brian Chan, Maia Xiao, and Aaron Johnston with modifications by Hunter Schafer. The theme for the course website draws inspiration from Just the Class, with thanks to its author Kevin Lin. We also thank students Austin Jenchi and Jeremy Zhang who contributed improvements to our fork.

Though we cannot list them all, we are also extremely grateful for the contributions of countless students who have given feedback and improved CSE 391 over the quarters.