We highly recommend downloading the files for this Q&A and following along with us:
wget https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse391/23su/lectures/7/questions7.zip
unzip questions7.zip
Suppose that we have the following file called
, where each line contains a list of a person’s emails:What is the command to print the contents of the file such that all of thescot@uw.edu, scot@cs.washington.edu may@tech-company.com ning@nonprofit.ngo
symbols are replaced withat
(there should be spaces on either side), The output should look like:scot at uw.edu, scot at cs.washington.edu may at tech-company.com ning at nonprofit.ngo
sed -r 's/@/ at /g' emails.txt
The following file,
, is a short poem which has been poorly formatted:Write a command that outputsI see you driving round town with the one I love and I'm like haiku
such that there is only a single space between each word.Solutions
sed -r 's/ +/ /g' poem.txt # or sed -r 's/\s+/ /g' poem.txt
One of the new developers at faang introduced a bug into the source code that incorrectly logged ticket id’s for product transactions. The contents of
are as follows:The problem is that the first four characters should actually appear at the end of the line. Write a command that has the corrected ticket id’s (i.e.)4444-1111-2222-3333 DDDD-AAAA-BBBB-CCCC
1111-2222-3333-4444 AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD
sed -r 's/^(.{4})-(.*)$/\2-\1/g' log.txt
The following file,
contains a conversation between two spies.Our goal is to replace all lines of the conversation that contain the wordSpy 1: I heard that you like secret kit kats Spy 2: Indeed. I saw Person X eating one the other day. Spy 1: Did you drop off the secret m&ms? Spy 2: No, I ate them. Spy 1: ... Spy 2: Keep that a secret.
with REDACTED. Our output should look like:REDACTED Spy 2: Indeed. I saw Person X eating one the other day. REDACTED Spy 2: No, I ate them. Spy 1: ... REDACTED
sed -r 's/^.*secret.*$/REDACTED/' secret.txt
Write a command that converts 7 letter palindromes into two words, such that the 4th character is replaced with a space and the last three characters are reversed. For example, if we ran
The output would beecho "racecar" | YOUR_COMMAND
Challenge: Can you write a similar command which has the same behavior, but prints nothing if the input string is not a 7-character palindrome?rac rac
echo "racecar" | sed -r 's/^(...)....$/\1 \1/' # Challenge echo "racecar" | grep -E '^(.)(.)(.).\3\2\1$' | sed -r 's/^(.)(.)(.).\3\2\1/\1\2\3 \1\2\3/'