Getting Help

If you have a general question that other students could potentially benefit from, considering posting on Ed. On Ed, you can also set your questions to private or anonymous as you see appropriate.

For logistical questions (such as extenuating circumstances and DRS accomodations), we ask that you post privately on Ed so the whole staff can respond. For sensitive situations, you can also email Ruth directly if you would feel more comfortable.

We are often available at other times by appointment, and we encourage you to schedule 1:1 appointments whenever you want to talk about concepts, grades, internships, or anything else.

You can find Zoom links for CSE 391 office hours using our general Zoom instructions.


Photo of Ruth Anderson

Office Hours

Tues 2:30-3:30pm & Fri 1:30-2:30pm
CSE 558 and Zoom

Ruth Anderson she/her


Hi there! My name is Ruth! I was born and grew up in North Carolina. I have a BS in Mathematical Sciences with a concentration in CS from the University of North Carolina. I came to UW for my PhD. I worked in Programming Languages, Compilers, and Parallel Computing before doing my PhD in Educational Technology & Pen Computing. I taught at the University of Virginia for 5 years before coming back to UW and have been here ever since. I’ve worked a bit in applying Computing to problems in the Developing World but mostly these days my research is in Computer Science Education.

I enjoy running, hiking, backbacking, and generally getting outside. I’d love to chat about your favorite outdoor experiences. In addition to teaching CSE 391, this quarter I am teaching CSE 160 and co-leading General TA Training. Ask me about the CS Education seminar CSE590E.

Teaching Assistants

Photo of Edison Leung

Office Hours

Mon 10:00 - 11:00, Tues 10:30 - 11:30
CSE 2nd Floor Breakout and Zoom

Edison Leung he/him


Hi! My name is Edison Leung. I am currently a sophmore majoring in CS. I have lived my whole life in the Greater Seattle Area and love the spring weather over here. I plan to graduate with a Bachelors and jump right into the workforce and later return to complete my Masters or possible pursue engineering.

My indoor hobbies include hanging out with friends, cooking, and video games (mostly just league). Outdoor, I love running, swimming, hiking, and more recently, exploring the Ave.

I am very excited to be the TA for CSE 391 which was one of the most useful classes I have taken. I hope you learn just as much as me from this class and am excited to get to know you this quarter!