Getting Help

If you have a general question that other students could potentially benefit from, considering posting on Ed or Discord. On Ed, you can also set your questions to private or anonymous as you see appropriate.

For logistical questions (such as extenuating circumstances and DRS accomodations), we ask that you post privately on Ed so the whole staff can respond. For sensitive situations, you can also email Josh directly if you would feel more comfortable.

We are often available at other times by appointment, and we encourage you to schedule 1:1 appointments whenever you want to talk about concepts, grades, internships, or anything else.

You can find Zoom links for CSE 391 office hours using our general Zoom instructions.


Photo of Josh Ervin

Josh Ervin



Office Hours

Mon 1-2 pm

Hello! My name is Josh and I’ll be your instructor for this quarter. I grew up in Redmond, Washington and went to UW for college. Now I work full time as a software engineer for a local tech company in Seattle in addition to teaching 391.

One fun fact about me is that I love broccoli. Broccoli is by far my favorite snack and I eat broccoli all the time. If you also love broccoli come to office hours and we can talk about broccoli!!

Outside of work, I spend a lot of time reading, hiking, playing guitar/piano, and playing chess. My favorite books I’ve read in the past year include Thinking Fast and Slow, Nudge, and Consider the Lobster. I also manage a number of open source software projects, most of which are named after fruits.

Teaching Assistants

Photo of Colton Jobes

Colton Jobes



Office Hours

Mon 4-5 pm

Hello! My name is Colton Jobes. I’m a second year student in UW CSE. Right now I’m spending most of my time with school, and working as a Java instructor over zoom. When I’m not busy with that I’ve recently been spending a lot of my free time playing chess, golfing, hiking, and I’ve finally had the chance to cross some books off of my reading list over break, my favorite being Sapiens. Come visit my office hours!