Nov 23

HW8 Released

HW8 has been released

See the full announcement on Ed!
Nov 02

HW5 Released

HW5 has been released

See the full announcement on Ed!
Nov 01

Colton OH Online Only in Near Future

Colton’s office hours will be held only on Zoom for further notice.

See the full announcement on Ed!
Oct 29

HW4 Autograder Working

You can now turn in HW4!

See the full announcement on Ed!
Oct 28

HW4 (Mostly) Up and Syllabus Change

HW4 released but not able to submit yet on Gradescope. Submission coming soon.

Updated the syllabus to only require 12 points to pass the class, not 14.

See the full announcement on Ed!
Oct 12

HW 2 Released and Announcement (Please Read)

Info about HW2 release

See the full announcement on Ed!
Oct 05

First Day Done

Information about announcements from the first day of class.

  • Reminder about the survey
  • HW1 is out
  • Clarification about office hours
See the full announcement on Ed!
Oct 02

Welcome to Ed Discussion

Information about how to use Ed Discussion.

See the full announcement on Ed!
Oct 02

Welcome to CSE 391! 🎉

Welcome email with link to find course website, information about the class structure, and the HW0 survey.

See the full announcement on Ed!