HW5 - More git (2 points)

Due Tuesday 11/10 at 1:00 pm. No late submissions accepted.

Submission: Gradescope

Specification: Spec

Useful Links:

This assignment focuses on using Git for version control. We assume you will have finished any setup required from HW4. You can do this lab from the CSE VM or from attu. There is no autograder for this assignment. You will still submit your answers to Gradescope, however they will be manually graded after the deadline.

Task 0: Getting ready to use Git and the CSE GitLab service

Log on to GitLab - All students in CSE 391 have been given access to the CSE GitLab service for this quarter. If you are a CSE major, you should log on using your CSENetID, otherwise use your UWNetID. Log on to CSE GitLab by going here: https://gitlab.cs.washington.edu/

Task 1: Contribute to a shared Git repository for FAANG on CSE GitLab

It’s your second week at FAANG and you’re starting to feel more comfortable. The frontend team needs more help with the website, and wants to get you integrated into their version-control workflow using git. The purpose of this task is to get practice committing to a shared git repository and resolving merge conflicts. You should have been access to the shared repository described below. If you are having trouble cloning or pushing to the repository due to a permissions problem, you may need to double check your email for an invitation to the repository.

All of the students in CSE 391 have been hired by FAANG to update the products on their products page. For this task, you will add a product that they think FAANG should sell. The product can be whatever you want, but keep it appropriate! Your mom may want to make a purchase on the FAANG website.

First, Clone a copy of the remote repo – On your machine (e.g. the CSE VM, attu), cd into the directory where you would like to create your local copy of the repo and execute this command:

git clone git@gitlab.cs.washington.edu:cse391/20au/faang.git

Since the repo is shared by so many people, most changes you make to the repo will require some sort of merge. Thus if you try to push a file and you get an error, then try pulling using git pull. If you are merely adding a file with your product photo and someone else has added another file, then on the pull you are likely to be thrown into your editor and asked to enter a commit message explaining why this merge is needed. You can just accept the message that is there by saving and exiting from the editor. See step 2 below for info on resolving more complex conflicts when they occur. Don’t forget to push again to really send your changes to the remote repo.

Problem 1: Find a picture that describes your product

While we often think of git as a tool to manage text files, it really can be used for any type of file. Find a relatively small image file (e.g. a .jpg or .png roughly less than 2 MB) and add it to your local repository under faang/images/products. Once that is done, stage, commit, and push your file to the remote repository.

📬 Write the name of your file in Gradescope.

Problem 2 Add a product to Products.java

From the faang directory open up Products.java in your favorite text editor. Products.java is a simple program that contains one method for each of the products that our company sells. Create a method, which you can name whatever you want (as long as it’s unique) that returns a new Product object that describes your product (see the sample huntersProduct method that is provided). In addition, one of the fields is for your picture. Simply include the name of the file (not including the images/products prefix) as a String for this part of the question. Be sure that this class still compiles after editing!

Since the Products.java file is going to be edited by everyone in the course, you should be sure to do a pull before you edit the appropriate file. To pull from the remote repo type:

git pull

Edit the Products.java file with your product. Then add and commit it to your local repo and push it to the remote repo using:

git push

When you do git push you may have complete success (a call to git status will show that Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'). Hooray!!

However if you forgot to pull, or if someone edited the same file and pushed it since you last pulled, you may get a message when you try to push indicating that your changes were rejected, giving you an error that it failed to push some refs. This is the same issue during lecture when Hunter and “Shadow Hunter” tried to push to the same repository on master. If you read the “hints” Git prints out they should be useful. It suggests that the repo contains work that you do not have, likely because someone else has pushed their copy of the same file to the repo.

What to do when git push rejects your changes:

Do a git pull. This will bring changes in the remote repo to your local repo. Git will try to merge your changes with these new changes pulled from the remote repo. Git can merge many changes automatically, but sometimes it needs help. Two things are likely to happen when you do git pull.

  • If Git is able to automatically merge your changes with the new changes: then you will be thrown into your default editor to either just save and exit, accepting the default merge message, or add something else to it before exiting. At this point you have committed the merged version of the file to your local repo, but you will need to try pushing it to the remote repo again. Hopefully this time you will succeed!
  • If Git is not able to automatically merge your changes with the new changes: then you will see that the call to git pull reports there was a CONFLICT and that the “Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.” Open up the conflicting file in an editor. When Git detects a file conflict, it changes the file to include both versions of any conflicting portions (yours and the one from the repository), in this format:

    <<<<<<< filename
    >>>>>>> 4e2b407... -- repository version's revision number

    For each conflicting file, edit it to remove the <<<<<<<, =======, and >>>>>>> lines. When repairing a conflict, do so in such a way that your changes, as well as changes made by all other students, are preserved. Please do not submit a change to a file that damages or removes changes made by another student. The repo will keep a record of all actions, so we will be able to tell who has submitted new versions of the file and what changes were made by each student. (More information about resolving conflicts, here.)

    After you are done resolving any conflicts, you will need to add and commit the edited file to your local repo. Finally, try pushing again to the remote repo.

📬 Go to Gitlab, and copy the URL that shows the commit you made (you can click on the commit in Gitlab). Enter the URL on Gradescope. It should be something like


Task 2: Create a new feature branch

The company is proud of the products it has put together on the website and FAANG is getting ready to relaunch the site. The frontend team wants to build a staff page that features all of the incredible staff at the company. You will be adding yourself to that page!

The purpose of this task is to get practice creating and merging feature branches.

Problem 1 Update your local repository to contain the latest master

Many other engineers (other 391 students) have been hard at work updating the shared company repository and it has likely changed since you last worked on it. First, make sure that your current branch is on master by running

git branch

You should see the branch name master with an asterisk (*) next to it, indicating that master is your current branch.

* master

Then, to update your local copy of master to match master on the remote repository, type

git pull origin master

If any changes have been made since you pulled, you should see output that looks something like this, followed by a list of updates made to the repository that you’re pulling down.

From gitlab.cs.washington.edu:cse391/20au/faang
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
 6745c4b..6c8d66e master -> origin/master
Updating 6745c4b..6c8d66e

Problem 2: Create a new branch for your additions to the products page

Your work on the staff page should be on a feature branch, separate from the main master branch. Run

git checkout -b <yourNetID>_staff_page

📬 Copy and paste the results of both git branch and git log -1 into Gradescope.

Problem 3: Add your bio to the staff page

From the faang directory open up Staff.java in your favorite text editor. Staff.java is a simple program that contains one method for each employee at FAANG. Create a method, which you can name whatever you want (as long as it’s unique), that returns an Employee object that represents you. An Employee has a bio, picture and job title. In addition, you should add a photo that represents you to the images/staff directory. Simply include the name of the file (not including the images/staff prefix) as part of your Employee object. Be sure that Staff.java still compiles after editing!

Problem 4: Push your change to the remote repo

Use the appropriate commands to commit your changes to your branch and push to the remote repo. You should be able to see your commits in Gitlab using the following link


Alternatively, you can navigate there by going to the repository main page https://gitlab.cs.washington.edu/cse391/20au/faang and clicking on “Branch” at the top of the page. Here you will be able to see all of the branches for this repository, including yours.

Problem 5: Make a merge request on Gitlab

When you’ve gotten your work in a completed state, you will typically have another teammate review your code before merging your changes in the master branch. In Gitlab, you can create a “merge request”, which allows a teammate to review, comment on and approve your work. Create a merge request for your feature branch in Gitlab. You can do so by selecting “Merge Requests” on the left side-pane (the icon with the arrow), clicking on “New Merge Request” and then selecting your branch in the dropdown under “Select source branch”. Your target branch should be master. Click “Compare branches and continue”. Give your merge request a title without the WIP: prefix and write a description of your changes. Leave the other dropdowns and checkboxes blank and submit your merge request.

📬 Copy the url of your merge request into Gradescope. It should look something like:


Problem 6: Leave a comment on your merge request

After creating a merge request and requesting a review from your teammate(s), they can leave comments on your changes. You can leave comments on your own merge requests, as well. Leave at least one comment on a change in your merge request. It can say whatever you’d like.

Problem 7: Merge your branch from gitlab

Let’s incorporate your changes into master so it can make it on the main website! The merge request that you created in Gitlab should have a Merge button at the top of the page. Click it. Your changes should now be in master! If the merge button is disabled because your branch has merge conflicts with master, use the resolve conflicts button to resolve the merge conflicts from Gitlab then proceed to merging to master.

📬 Copy the url to your merge commit in master to Gradescope.

(Optional) Task 3: For fun!

Compile all java files in the repository’s root directory and run the GenerateSite program. This will produce an index.html file containing a list of all of the products our company sells and the staff who work there, as well as an html file for each product and employee. To view the website you have a few options.

  1. If you’re working locally you can navigate to the faang directory using Finder (macOS) or File Explorer (Windows) and double click on the index.html file. This should open the website in your default browser.
  2. If you’re working on attu you will need to copy your files over to your local machine to view them. You can do this with the following command:
    scp -r CSENetID@attu.cs.washington.edu:/path/to/faang .
    Now that this is copied over, you can view them in a web browser using part a).
  3. If you’re working on the VM you can use the File Manager application to navigate to the faang directory and double click on the index.html file, which should open the site in Firefox.

Note: Compiling .java files will generate .class files and GenerateProducts.java will generate several .html files. These should NOT be included in the repository. A git repository should only contain the source code needed to generate all necessary artifacts, but not the artifacts themselves. Every git repository has a .gitignore file in the toplevel directory that contains the names of files should be ignored by git (for example, these files should not appear in git status or git add). If you inspect the .gitignore file for our repository you will see that .class and .html files are listed. DO NOT MODIFY THE .gitignore FILE.


  • If you ever run the git status command and see the output "Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by N commits", then this means that you have local commits that have not been pushed to the remote repository yet.
  • Git will not allow you to pull updates into your repository while you have unstaged changes. Therefore, you must stage (git add) and commit all of your changes before pulling.
  • DO NOT try to go back and modify previous commits. This can get you into a huge mess if you are working on a shared project.