> From windows to/from attu: Winscp OR Filezilla OR whatever your favorite graphical scp/sftp client Running cygwin use scp or sftp (Note to use scp on cygwin you will need to install the openssh package, which does not get installed by default: http://www.question-defense.com/2010/01/07/how-to-install-scp-and-ssh-on-windows-7-using-cygwin) > From mac to/from attu: scp or sftp at terminal > From Virtual machine to/from attu: scp or sftp at terminal OR mkdir csehomedir && sshfs username@attu.cs.washington.edu:/homes/iws/username csehomedir/ OR view attu directory in file browser - mount attu home dir > From Virtual machine to local machine (mac or windows): drag and drop from the vm to desktop You may also be able to copy and paste using right click or control-c, control-v. > From attu from a URL wget - to get a file from a url ------------------------------------------ For more info look at the slides linked on the homework page: http://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse390a/13au/handouts/MovingAndEditingFiles_12sp.pdf