CSE 390Z Syllabus

This is a temporary summary syllabus.

Course Goals

CSE 390Z is a workshop designed to provide academic support to students enrolled concurrently CSE 311. 311 concepts are at the core of computer science, but they are different from what many students have experienced in CS courses before. During each 1.5-hour workshop section for CSE 390Z, students will reinforce concepts through collaborative problem solving, practice study skills and effective learning habits, and build community for peer support. All students enrolled in CSE 311 are welcome to register for this class.

Course content

The workshop is organized around a large set of math problems about 311 content. In workshop, students work together on some of these problems. The graded components of the workshop are the following.

Outside of class

  • Eightish mini assignments (~1 hour each)
    • About half of these are correcting problems you got wrong in 311, and the other half are our own assignments (e.g. a reading and a couple questions about it).
  • A reflection on each 311 homework (~30 minutes each)
In class
  • Approximately 6 “quick checks,” mini quizzes at the beginning of class
  • Two tests in class.
Extra credit
  • We will hold two study sessions outside of class, one before the 311 midterm and one before the 311 final. Each will count as extra credit.


To get credit for this class you must:
  • Participate in at least 8 of the 10 class periods
  • Take both tests
  • Score at least an 80%
Final grades are calculated roughly as follows
10% Quick checks [graded on completion]
20% Participation in class [graded on completion]
40% Homeworks [graded on effort]
20% Reflections [graded on effort]
10% Exams [graded on correctness]

Course resources

  • This website: The central source of info about what's going on in the class
  • Canvas: grades are posted here
  • Gradescope: We'll probably use this to recieve submissions and provide feedback
  • Piazza: we will probably have a Piazza for questions and discussions
  • Office hours: All course staff have office hours, and we love receiving your questions


We want this course to be approachable and accessible by all 311 students. Let the instructor know if you require accommodations for disability, mental health, religious activity, or matters of conscience.

If any incident occurs that challenges our commitment to a supportive and inclusive environment, please let the instructor know so the issue can be addressed.

Late Work

Late work is not accepted unless under special circumstances. If you need to turn in an assignment late under special circumstances, please email the instructor to schedule a meeting PRIOR to when the assignment is due in which we can discuss and determine if extra time is needed.

Academic Conduct

Do not use someone else's words or ideas without giving them credit.


We thank Lauren Bricker for serving as an advisor for this course and Paul Beame for supporting as the 311 professor. Adam Blank, David Eck, Michael Lee, Nicole Riley, Lucy Jiang, Natalie Parry, and Melissa Hovik shared or created materials and problems for the workshop.