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CSE 390HA - 142 Honors Seminar

Instructor: Miya Natsuhara (mnats [at] cs [dot] washington [dot] edu)

Welcome to CSE 390HA, the Honors section for CSE 142!

Each week, we will discuss various topics related to computer science. Our sessions will mostly relate to the societal and cultural impacts of technology and CS, and some exploration of some technical concepts. This course is NOT an opportunity to learn more programming or add more "rigor" to 142, nor is any background or familiarity with computer science required. This is an opportunity to think about computer science and other related topics in a broader context.

Required Book: Nine Algorithms That Changed The Future

Author: John MacCormick

John MacCormick is a computer science teacher and researcher. He grew up in New Zealand, studied mathematics and computer science in England, and now lives in Pennsylvania, USA. MacCormick has a PhD in computer vision from the University of Oxford, has worked in the research labs of Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft, and is currently a professor of computer science at Dickinson College. His work spans several sub-fields of computer science, including computer vision, large-scale distributed systems, computer science education, and the public understanding of computer science.

Please contact Miya if you are have concerns about getting a copy of this book.


This is a 1-credit, discussion-based course. To earn credit for this course, you need to "complete" 7 weeks of discussion activities. To "complete" a week, you need to do the assigned reading and any assigned activities (requires some effort for completion) and attend the discussion for that week (if you finish all the tasks and attend for a week, it's "completed"). There are 9 weeks that we will be meeting so that means you are able to miss 2 and still receive credit for the class!

The readings and activities for this class are not meant to take up a lot of time and you are not being tested on your understanding of the material. The exercises are there to get you thinking about computer science, how you can apply it to your own areas of interest, and how it impacts your day to day life.


Our class meets on Wednesdays from 4:30 pm - 5:50 pm in MGH 058.

Course Content

Date Info

In this section, we all met and got to know each other and went over a broad overview of what we want the discussion to look like this quarter. We discussed the high level goals of this course:

  • To explore the impact of technology and computer science concepts on society
  • To explore computer science and its applications as an academic field
  • To preview what a career as a professional computer programmer or researcher is like
  • To look more indepth at how we apply computational thinking to our daily lives

We emphasized that 142 is about how to program computers while computer science (and computational/algorithmic thinking) is a much large scope than just programming. As a group, we discussed primarily: What is computer science?

Assignment Due Today:

  • None! Just show up and it will count for attendance!

Assignment Due Next Wednesday (1/19) @ 4:30 pm:

For this class, we will use Google Forms that require UW authentication to access. If you are having trouble accessing these forms, try to follow the instructions here.


We discussed searching algorithms (indexing, word location) and ranking algorithms (hyperlink, authority, random surfer); search history, targeted advertising; personalized search results; autocomplete

Interesting Links

Assignment Due Next Wednesday (1/26) @ 4:30 pm:

For this class, we will use Google Forms that require UW authentication to access. If you are having trouble accessing these forms, try to follow the instructions here.

  • Read chapter 4 (Public Key Cryptography) from 9 Algorithms That Changed the Future
  • Watch this 20-minute video from UW professor Yoshi Kohno describing the internet of things (IoT) and adversarial security.

Students worked on decrypting some short messages that were encrypted using a Caesar cipher (monoalphabetic shift cipher) and a Permutation cipher (monoalphabetic substitution cipher); we also discussed the IoT presentation from the assigned pre-work and how it affects us in our everyday lives, as well as privacy concerns;

Interesting Links

Assignment Due Next Wednesday (2/2) at 4:30pm:

For this class, we will use Google Forms that require UW authentication to access. If you are having trouble accessing these forms, try to follow the instructions here.


We reviewed the practice of a "proof by contradiction", and revisited the "Halting Problem" in different forms. Then, students worked on graph coloring problems before we reconvened as a group to talk about P vs. NP problems.

Interesting Links
  • Slides from the graph coloring activity
  • We didn't get a chance to talk about them, but check out this wikipedia article on quines! (By the end of CSE 142, you'll be able to understand all of the code written in the Java snippet)

Assignment Due Next Wednesday (2/9) at 4:30 pm:

For this class, we will use Google Forms that require UW authentication to access. If you are having trouble accessing these forms, try to follow the instructions here.


With a few guests (Tyler Bonnell and Andrew Murray), we discussed a variety of things related to game development including the ECS model, different game engines, languages, game design, etc.

Interesting Links
  • Slides from the presentation

Assignment Due Next Wednesday (2/16) at 4:30 pm:

For this class, we will use Google Forms that require UW authentication to access. If you are having trouble accessing these forms, try to follow the instructions here.

Interesting Links

We discussed many different topics related to accessible design and other accessibility issues.

Assignment Due Next Wednesday (2/23) at 4:30 pm:

Interesting Links

We discussed many different topics related to pattern recognition, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, specifically relating to the social and ethical implications of such techniques and how they may be used in the future.

Assignment Due Next Wednesday (3/1) at 4:30 pm:

  • Watch this 10 minute video about the future of data visualization by UW's Jeff Heer.
  • Watch this 15 minute video demonstrating how data and its interpretability is important for global planning and reasoning about the current state of the world.
Interesting Links

We talked about some general principles of data visualization and looked at several different examples of data visualizations that allowed viewers to extrapolate more information from the data than another data visualization may have allowed.

Assignment Due Next Wednesday (3/9) at 4:30 pm:

  • Nothing! The class will be an AMA with Miya, so think about whether you have anything you'd like to ask about UW, UW CSE, Microsoft, or her corgi Gumball (bonus points for those)