In this course we'll be exploring the impact technology has on society and being introduced to various facets of computer science that you would not see in CSE 142. Throughout the course our goal is to explore these topics through a mix readings out of the book "Weapons of Math Destruction" and articles, small exploratory homework assignments, and weekly discussions.
Also available in-store at the UW Book Store.
The readings and activities for this class are not meant to take up a lot of time and you are not being tested on your understanding of the material. The exercises are there to get you thinking about computer science, how you can apply it to your own areas of interest, and how it impacts your day to day life.
Please note that we will not be meeting 10/30 (near 142 midterm) and 11/27 (thanksgiving).
Our meetings will be in CSE 403 on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:50.
We have a course Piazza for people to share interesting links to news, articles, opinions or anything else related to topics discussed in class! Please feel free to share anything interesting you find there!
Interesting links
Good luck on your midterm!
In this section, we discussed online ads and how they impact our privacy. We also talked about how advertisers track you in your day to day life with third-party tracking.
None! Study for your midterm!
In this section, we discussed the U.S. News College Rankings from Chapter 3 of the book. We talked about many of the specific problems brought up in the chapter, and tried to come up with ways around them. We also looked into one specific area of research in Theory of Computer Science which designs systems to make sure actors behave in some intended way (mechanism design).
Interesting links
This should be completed by next Wednesday (10/23) at 12:30 pm
In this section, we discussed the introductory chapter and the first two chapters of the book. We discussed what models were and we discussed the author's definition of a WMD. We looked into various tools/models we work with every day to spot any potential WMDs there.
This should be completed by next Wednesday (10/16) at 12:30 pm
In this section, we will all meet and get to know each other and have a broad overview of what we want the discussion to look like this quarter
In this section, we discussed the goals of the honors sections
We emphasized that 142 is about how to program computers while computer science (and computational/algorithmic thinking) is a much large scope than just programming. As a group, we discussed: